Monday, January 21, 2013

DA happy with catering tender being put out properly

Imogen Vollenhoven
21 January 2013
 The Democratic Alliance is pleased that the catering contract for correctional facilities will finally be put out to tender properly.

The DA have long argued that this step was necessary to ensure that the correct tender process is followed, instead of the Department of Correctional Services administratively renewing problematic Bosasa contract.

 DA Shadow Minister of Correctional Services James Selfe said the DA is delighted that the Department of Correctional services is putting out the controversial catering contract on tender but it misses the point he says.

Selfe said the point is that inmates should cook for themselves, they should grow vegetables for themselves and they should become self sufficient.

Selfe says the DA hopes the department of correctional services will rethink the whole concept of outsourcing catering so that the department can arrive at a point where prisoners work because prisons work where prisoners work.

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