Monday, January 21, 2013

HRC will investigate the implementation of the Child Protection Register

Mluleki Mrwebi
21 January 2013

The Democratic Alliance has welcomed the Human Rights Commission’s decision to investigate the failure of governments departments to implement the Child Protection Register.

The investigation is a result of a formal submission to the HRC by the DA in August 2012 to request an investigation into the failure of the department on Social Development to implement the Child Protection Register.

DA Shadow Minister of Social Development Mike Waters said the CPR falls under the circle of the Children’s Act and its purpose is to protect children from people found to have abused or neglected a child, and who have been deemed unsuitable to work with children.

Waters added that contradictory information regarding the number of names on the CPR and a fundamental failure to update it have completely undermined the credibility of the CPR and sabotaged a key tool in protecting the children.

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