Monday, January 21, 2013

Joe Slovo and Langa TRA continue to be sidelined by corruption

Athenkosi Mvane
21 January 2013

Abahlali Base Mjondolo has complained to being dissatisfied with the way the government treats their communities.

They say that they are embarrassed that rich leaders are not ashamed to steal from poor people by making promises to build houses and make them wait.

In Langa, the Temporary Relocation Areas corruption has been abundant since the Housing Development Agency over. 

ABM spokesperson Cindy Ketane said that there is a lot of land in the areas around Khayelitsha where houses can be built, and people are tired of waiting.

“The empty land is currently being used by criminals to assault and rape; houses can be built on the empty land by the unemployed, if they are trained and get paid by government” Ketane said

Ketane added that the government must listen to the people because it is of the people, by the people, for the people.

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