Sunday, January 20, 2013

A 2 year-old boy died in an accident in Blue Downs

Mluleki Mrwebi
20 January 2013

A toddler died in an accident that occurred this afternoon on the R300 in Blue Downs, Cape Town.

It is alleged that the little boy was walking on the pavement with three adults when they were knocked down by VW Citi Golf.

ER24`s Vanessa Jackson said the, VW Citi Golf, which was travelling in the direction of Brackenfell, collided into the pedestrians near the Van Riebeeck road off ramp.
Jackson said the 2 year-old boy was flung from the road and was found lying down a short embankment at the side of the road.

She further said the boy died on the scene due to his injuries and the other three adults who had been walking with the child had all suffered moderate injuries and they were treated on scene and then taken to hospital for care.

It is reported that the Citi Golf had veered off the road following the initial impact and had then rolled, colliding into a cement fence at the side of the road.

“The Rescue team had to use the Jaws of Life to remove the two occupants of the Golf from the wreckage as they had been trapped inside” said Jackson

They were all transported to hospital for further care.

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