Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Teachers at Nelson Mandela High disgruntled with principle

Imogen Vollenhoven
22 January 2013

Some teachers at Dr Nelson R Mandela High School have refused to teach until the principal Linda Mnotoza is removed from his post. 

This follows allegations that the principal had charged parents a R200 fee and refused to admit children who did not pay. 

The school is a no-fee school.

Ministerial spokesperson Bronagh Casey said the department investigated the allegations and found the principal not guilty. 

Casey explains that the principle was cleared and was never charged and therefore the principle has every right to return to the school.

Furthermore Casey adds that this group of educators’ refusal to work is in clear violation of their teaching contracts, there are clear legal and labour related processes in place for the selection, nomination and appointment of principles.

 Casey said that principles do not get selected by teachers or to suite the teachers’ only and therefore internal conflict between staff should be dealt with in a professional manner.

Casey says that these educators however, now see it fit to protest during school hours and to disrupt the learning opportunities of the learners.

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