Saturday, March 11, 2006

Jacob Zuma says he will bounce back

Former Deputy President Jacob Zuma says he will emerge from his trial on rape charges with popularity intact. Speaking in an interview with Reuters on Friday, Zuma said his widespread support in the ruling African National Congress represented a backlash against what he called the abuse of authority by some parts of the government. He said he was not worried first what happened to him, but rather what happened to the country and the system. Zuma added that he had a duty to ensure that the country worked properly, that the laws were properly upheld and that there was no abuse of authority or power. Zuma's rape trial began this week with his accuser alleging that he had sex with her against her will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting ... when one does a search for Zuma at the Reuters website, the interview is not listed. What is listed is sex and the trial.
Makes one think! agenda!

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