Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Health Officials says Cape Town’s tap water is safe to drink

Cape Town’s Director of City Health Ivan Toms says there is no reason to believe that the so-called rat tailed maggots found in a number of suburbs are present in the municipal water supply. Toms says that experts have found that the drone fly larvae are not present in tap water. He emphasised that tap water was safe to drink. In most cases the larvae were found in hand basins or toilet bowls or near an outside tap. They may also be found naturally in still, stagnant areas of rivers or wetlands, drainage ditches and even garden ponds. Media reports about the off putting creatures have had many Capetonians worried in recent weeks.


Anonymous said...

I think ETV is responsible for spreading panic about this.

The irresponsible reporting by Annika Larsen, linking toilet water directly to drinking water is insane.

I hope that Bush Radio does not follow suit, and only presents the facts.

As an independent media outlet ETV has degenerated into blatant sensationalism.

Anonymous said...

I hope the incidinces of maggots does not spread to other areas as well!

Case against Joshlin Smith accused postponed to February

The case against the accused in the Joshlin Smith kidnapping has been postponed to February. Joshlin’s mother - Kelly Smith, her boyfriend...