Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mother and child burn to death in Nyanga

By Yamkela Xhaso
31 December

Cape Town police are investigating murder charges after a pregnant woman and her four-year-old child burnt to death in a shack fire in Nyanga.

The 24-year-old woman and the girl were asleep when the incident happened early this morning.

Another woman and child managed to escape with slight burn wounds. She told police she had smelt petrol before the blaze broke out.

Two unknown men who allegedly set the fire were spotted running away from the house. Captain Ntomboxolo Sitshitshi of the Nyanga SAPS said the family was asleep when this began.

“The 24 year old and her child were trapped by the fire inside the house and were burnt to death”

SPCA denies debt reports

By Yamkela Xhaso
31 December

In response to an article called “Debt crises cripples SPCA’s work” that was featured in a newspaper report, the Cape of Good Hope SPCA says that this headline has created the impression that the Cape of Good Hope SPCA is in substantial debt and in danger of closing it’s doors.

Allan Perrins, CEO of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA said that this was in correct, as the article that was written shows numbers that is applicable to only one of their operating cost centres.

“They are not a true reflection of the whole of Cape of Good Hope SPCA’s financial position”

Perrins said that in short despite their budget shot-falls they do have large reserved and there is absolutely no danger in the SPCA closing its doors and there is no chance of the SPCA rationalising on is service.

“I’d like to emphasize the fact that the Cape of Good Hope SPCA is a hundred percent financially sound”

City warns residents about illegal discharge of fireworks

By Sasha Forbes
31 December 2008

Disaster management and law enforcement authorities are once again appealing to residents and tourists that are coming to Cape Town not to discharge fire works or to use them or keep them illegally.

Disaster Risk Management’s WIilfred Solomons-Johannes said “the city has approved two applications for organised fireworks displays on 31 December 2008; Breakwater, V & A Waterfront (behind the Cape Grace Hotel) and Leeukoppie Estate, Suikerbossie Road in Hout Bay.”

“Law enforcement authorities will conduct various inspections and will take action against any person, who illegally discharges fireworks or handles fireworks and a fine of R1000 will be issued or imprisonment of 12 months,” said Solomons-Johannes

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mitchell’s Plain police request assistance from community

By Sasha Forbes
30 December 2008

The Mitchell Plain Police are requesting the assistance of the community in identifying the body of an unknown woman that was found on 25 December.

Inspector Ian Williams said “the police found the decomposed body of a woman lying under bushes on an open field next to Caravelle Primary School in Rocklands in the Mitchells Plain area.

“The deceased was dressed in a black jersey and a purple /dark blue tracksuit pants. She has black curly hair and is about 1.6 meters tall. The period of death is currently unknown,” said Williams

MEC McKenzie attends roadblock operation in Worcester

By Sasha Forbes
30 December 2008

Earlier today Westen Cape Minister of Community Safety, Patrick McKenzie attended a traffic roadblock operation, including a handover event at which 5 patrol vehicles, which were received from the Road Traffic Management Corporation, were presented to the Laingsburg and Beaufort West Traffic Centres.

MEC McKenzie said that “I want to say the good news is that in the Western Cape we are way down the carnage we were last year. I want to thank all road enforcement agencies for what they are doing.”

“The good thing about the visit to this roadblock operation today is that I am handing over 5 new additional vehicles to patrol the N1 and they are fully equipped and they are fast enough vehicles to track down any car,” said McKenzie.

Metro police patrol beaches over festive season

By Cindy Witten
30 December 2008

The City of Cape Town says since the beginning of the festive season, the Metro Police have been out in force on all the main beaches and according to reports this has helped bring down the number of incidents.

Metro Police spokesperson Nowellen Petersen says it is encouraging to see that there has been a marked improvement in the behaviour of beach-goers and this has made the police’s task much easier.

However, Petersen says the amount of children who go missing is a major cause for concern. Petersen says that parents should keep a look out for their children at all times.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Acting Mayor attends City road block

By Cindy Witten
29 December 2008

As part of the City’s road safety campaign, Acting Mayor, the Executive Deputy Mayor of Cape Town, Cllr Grant Haskin, visited a road block this morning. There he handed out information leaflets to the public.

Haskin says that the road block was a great success and that people need to know that Cape Town is a zero tolerance City.
“The City’s campaign has been highly successful. Not only in terms of almost halving the number of road deaths in Cape Town and the Western Cape over this festive season, but we have also increased the visibility of traffic officials across the City,” said Haskin.

Haskin says that since the campaign was launched, drivers are more informed about the laws of the road, such as drinking and driving, amongst others. He says that more and more drivers are becoming aware that they can be pulled over in road blocks for a number of reasons.
“We have started education people on the limits of alcohol use when driving, so that they can become responsible road users,” he said.

Haskin added that the City’s annual police plan lasts for the whole year, not just over the festive season, saying that it had however “stepped up” over the past season.

Tutu says Gaza attacks are like war crimes

By Sasha Forbes
29 December 2008

In a statement that was given yesterday Archbishop Desmond Tutu said that in the context of total aerial supremacy, in which one side in a conflict deploys lethal aircraft against opponents with no means of defending themselves, the bombardment bears all the hallmarks of war crimes.

He said that the attacks, in revenge for rockets fired by the Palestinians, would not contribute to the security of Israel.

He also said that it was blight not only on the Middle East, but on the entire world and particularly world leaders who have consistently failed the people of Palestine and Israel over the past 60 years.

It was also reported that more than 270 people were killed in the attacks on Saturday.

Public assist in the arrest of a suspected criminal

By Cindy Witten
29 December 2008

On Sunday evening (21 December) police detained Melvin Claasen, 25, on a charge of theft of motor vehicle. Police also had a warrant of arrest for a murder charge. Police requested the assistance of the public that anyone who knew of the Claasen’s whereabouts comes forward.

On Saturday afternoon (28 December) police were informed by a community member that the suspect was in the Rocklands area. Police responded to the tip-off and once again arrested Claasen.

At first the suspect denied that he was the same man police arrested the previous Sunday, but after being positively identified by the investigating officer, Claasen admitted guilt.
Claasen now faces a charge of escape form lawful custody along with the other cases against him.

Police would like to thank the community of Mitchells Plain for their assistance in the arrest. Had the community member not come forward, the suspect could still have been at large.

Anti-war Coalition arranges protest march

By Cindy Witten
29 December 2008

In protest to the recent attacks on Palestinians by Israeli troops, the Anti-War Coalition and the Workers international Vangaurd League has organised a march from the corner of Adderly and Darling Street in Town today. Protesters in the middle East have shown their anger by burning Israeli and US flags.

Spokesperson Shaheed Mohamed says over 300 Palestinians have died in the massacre so far and that South Africans need to show support to those who have suffered.

“We are calling on workers to implement sanctions on Israel. If government won’t do it, we are calling on workers to stand up. We are asking for people to come forward. Let the people of South Africa speak out,” said Mohamed.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thunder storm damages Mitchell’s Plain homes

By Sasha Forbes
28 December 2008

Earlier this afternoon Mitchell’s Plain residents experienced a thunder storm that was the cause of 28 residents loosing their homes.

Spokesperson for Disaster Management Greg Pillay said that “there were reports of a storm or thunder storm in the Mitchell’s Plain area, particularly in Beacon Valley which just boarders on Trampoline Road off AZ Berman. It was reported that following the thunder storm activities there has been a down drop and strong winds and it has affected a number of houses in the area.”

According to Mr Pillay there have been no injury reports but 28 home were damages.

Fire causes Strand residents to loose homes

By Sasha Forbes
28 December 2008

Yesterday sixteen shacks were gutted after a shack fire ravaged the informal settlement of Wag ‘n Bietjie in the Strand.

According to Bush Radio’s Cindy Witten, Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management officials say 60 people have been left destitute in the blaze. Spokesperson Greg Pillay says the city has arranged disaster relief support, including food and building kits, to enable victims to rebuild their shacks.

Western Cape Police have meanwhile launched an investigation into the cause of the fire.

IHRC condemns attacks by Israeli forces

By Cindy Witten
28 December 2008

Following the bombing of Gaza by Israeli forces, about 140 people are feared to have died while hundreds more were injured after Israel launched air strikes against Palestinian-controlled Gaza City.

According to media reports, Hamas security compounds were the target in retaliation for earlier attacks from Gaza on Israeli border towns. Some reports say that more than 30 missiles were launched.

The attack has raised concern at the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC). In an issued press release, Chair of the IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh is quoted as saying that the organisation condemns the attack.

“As people of the world watch this latest heinous act, we await swift and outright condemnation of these crimes and action from governments world-wide,” said Shadjareh.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Water pipe burst in various communities

By Cindy Witten
27 December 2008

The City of Cape Town’s Water and Sanitation department appeals to residents to be patient while municipal workers repair various burst pipes.

The departments Farouk Robertson says that the water will be turned off until about 18h00. He says that in some areas there is major work to be done, but workers are on site trying to complete the job as promptly as possible.

Robertson says the affected communities include Parkwood Estate, Kirstenhof, Grassy Park, Hout Bay and Simons Town.
“The pipe bursts experienced in some of these areas are quite big and it will take workers some time to do the repair work. They are on site and are getting the materials,” he said.

“We kindly request patience, as we are trying our very best to resolve the matter.”

NSRI urges beach goers to be cautious over the festive season

By Cindy Witten
27 December 2008

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) is appealing to beach goers to go to beaches and swim where and when life guards are on duty.

NSRI’s Craig Lambinon says that swimmers should not go to deep into the ocean and that children should at all times be accompanied by a responsible adult. Lambinon says it’s not only swimmers who need to exercise caution.
“We are also appealing to anyone launching any kind of craft to go to sea, of onto inland water ways, to wear their life jackets at all times while on the water,” he said.

NRSI says that life-jackets should be the correct size for the individual wearing the life-jacket and that they should be fastened correctly and securely.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Durbanville resident rescued from Breede River Mouth

By Cindy Witten
26 December 2008

During the early hours of this morning, NSRI Witsand volunteers were dispatched following a report of a rubber-duck that capsized on the seaward side of the Breede River Mouth with one person on-board in 3-4 m swells.

NSRI’s Craig Lambinon says that that the boats skipper, a Durbanville resident, was found holding onto the upturned hull of his boat. He we rescued and taken on-board the rescue craft.
“The NSRI then re-launched and managed to secure a towline to the rubber duck, which they towed onto the beach,” said Lambinon.

The man was brought safely to shore and is being treated for hypothermia, but required no further assistance.

Cracked water pipe being repaired in Parklands

By Cindy Witten
26 December 2008

The City of Cape Town says that a crack has been detected in the main water pipe which supplies water in the Parklands area. The 300mm (in diameter) millimetre asbestos pipe takes a different type of procedure to repair.

The City’s Farouk Robertson says that municipal workers are busy working on it.
“Our guys are in there, feverishly working on the situation trying to repair it,” he said.

Robertson says that the pipe should be fixed by 5 O’clock this evening, but residents will be informed, should there be any further delays.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ceasefire Campaign says no military intervention in Zimbabwe

By Mandisi Tyulu
25 December 2008

The Ceasefire Campaign rejects the idea being toted by some South Africans of military intervention in Zimbabwe. The group says this would be playing into the hands of Mugabe and his generals who have a stranglehold on the country and its economy.

Ceasefire Campaign Steering Committee member Richard Smith says we also need to consider that some of the groupings calling for military intervention have their own vested interests at stake.

“Military intervention would not solve anything only the people of Zimbabwe that would suffer.’’

Only through taking can we find a solution, says Smith.

SADTU dismisses Madisha's claims

By Mandisi Tyulu
25 December 2008

The South African Democratic Teachers Union has criticised claims by its former president Willy Madisha, that thousands of SADTU member have resigned – 10,000 in the Eastern Cape, 3,000 in the Western Cape.

SADTU president Thobile Ntola says it is simply untrue. SADTU has not received any such resignations. Neither have the provincial departments of education.

The employer has to be notified of resignations in order to stop deduction says Ntola.

“Our organization remains strong and intact and it can not be shaken by anyone especially by Madisha.”

City’s plan to curb veld fires

By Cindy Witten
25 December 2008

Motorists who dispose of their burning cigarette butts out of their vehicles will have to pay a fine of R1000 if they are caught. The City of Cape Town says this is in a bid to curb veld fires in the hot, dry and windy weather in the region. In a statement the city’s fire and rescue station Commander says the move is also a reminder of the Fire Safety Amendment by-law which regulates fire safety in the City.

The City appeals to motorist to use their vehicle ashtrays to dispose of matches and cigarette butts. Perpetrators could be reported to the city’s 24 hour emergency control centre on 021 424 7715.

Witnesses must note the following;

· The date, time and address of the incident (suburb, road or nearest cross-road)
· The type, colour and make of the vehicle and registration number
· The complainant must also give their name, address and contact number

“A fire department official will then contact the complainant to investigate and obtain all details relevant to the incident. As we have said before, it’s only where the cigarette butt might cause a fire will we be issuing a fine,” said City spokesperson Denzel Ramedies.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

79 year old women discovered dead in her Paarl home

By Cindy Witten
24 Decenber 2008

On Tuesday evening South African Police Service (SAPS) received a complaint at a house in Paarl. Police responded and on their arrival were met by the, now deceased owner’s son. The doors and windows were found to be locked, but police managed to gain access into the building.

SAPS Captain John Waterhouse says that the motive for the murder is still unknown.
“Police managed to break a window towards the rear of the premises and gained access. While searching the premises, police came across the body of the 79 year old woman in one of the rooms,” he said.

Forensic and fingerprint experts as well as Paarl detectives arrived on the scene shortly after the gruesome discovery. Waterhouse added that investigations into the matter will continue.

Nonzamo resident arrested for abduction

By Cindy Witten
24 December 2008

A 23 year old woman from Nomzama in Strand will appear in the local magistrate’s court today. The woman was arrested in connection with the abduction of a 5 month old baby.

Leabona Guvana was taken to a Somerset West hospital by her mother, after she fell ill. Police say a woman claiming to be a relative of the baby’s mother took the baby yesterday morning. She told one of the patients that she was from Khayelitsha. Police Inspector Bernadine Steyn says police managed to track her down and the child was found unharmed.

“Yesterday afternoon at about 15h20 police arrested a 23 year old female at her house in Nonzamo, Strand for abduction. The baby girl was found unharmed and reunited with her mother. The suspect will appear in the Somerset West Magistrate's court soon,” said SAPS Inspector Bernadine Steyn.

Five month old baby abducted in Somerset West

By Mandisi Tyulu
24 December 2008

The Somerset West Police are requesting the assistance of the public in finding 5 month old Leabona Guvana, who was allegedly abducted from a hospital in Lourensford Road, Somerset West.

Inspector Bernadine Steyn says the baby was taken to hospital by her mother who resides in Grabouw, after she had fallen ill.
“Late last night a woman who’s identity is not known went to the hospital and told staff that she is the mother’s niece from Grabouw, after which she stayed with the baby. She told the mother of one of the patients that she was from Khayelitsha.”
“It is alleged that the woman took the baby between 08:00 and 09:00 this morning and left the hospital,” says Steyn.

“The suspect is believed to be about 35 years old and had a white jacket and blue jeans on.”
The have established a Joint Operation Centre at Somerset West Police station and anyone with information is requested to contact them on (021) 850 1326.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

62 year old woman stabs husband to death

By Mandisi Tyulu
23 December 2008

Last night police arrested a 62 year old woman in Gugulethu, who fatally stabbed her husband in the neck.

Captain Elliot Sinyangana says that the two were in their home when the woman, who was busy slicing a tomato at the time, took the knife and stabbed him.

“The victim immediately sustained an open wound and started bleeding. It is alleged that she went outside and screamed calling for an aid.”

The man was immediately taken to the nearest hospital for medical attention, but died shortly after, says Sinyangana.

“The victim was certified dead by the KTC hospital. It is alleged that the perpetrator was smelling of alcohol.”

Police have opened a murder docket and preliminary investigations lead to the arrest of the pensioner who is due to appear in the Athlone Magistrate Court.

Search continues for missing fourteen crew members

By Mandisi Tyulu
23 December 2008

Rescuers are still searching for survivors of a chokka boat that is believed to have sunk off Oyster Bay in the Eastern Cape

The boat had 19 crew members on board.

Spokesperson for the National Sea Rescue Institute, Craig Lambinon, says on arrival on scene the skipper and a crew member were found safely ashore.

Rough sea conditions and gale force winds made search and rescue operations difficult but a further three crewmen were rescued by helicopter and taken to shore. Fourteen other crew members remain missing.

Lambinon says the search continues for the fourteen missing crew members that were onboard when the chokka sunk.

Puppies confiscated due to illegal breeding procedure

By Sasha Forbes
23 December 2008

Twenty two puppies, allegedly bred to produce a new hybrid vicious breed for security services, have been confiscated by the Cape of Good Hope SPCA and charges of cruelty laid against their owner.

Spokesperson for the SPCA Andre Venter said that the dogs, suspected to be a mix of Labrador, collie and pit bull terrier breeds. “Due to questionable circumstances and warnings we have issued in connection with the keeping of the dogs, we are also concerned about the breeding mixtures and the breeding procedures that are being under taken by the owner.”

This situation is currently being investigated.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Police seek public assistance

By Sasha Forbes
22 December 2008

The Mitchell’s Plain Police are requesting the assistance of the public in finding Melvin Claasen, who was in custody for Theft of a motor vehicle and murder. He is about 25 years old and is approximately 1.74 meters tall. He was last seen wearing a blue t-shirt, black tracksuit pants and white Nike tackies. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Investigating Officer, Detective Inspector Trevor Nash at Mitchell’s Plain police on 021 3701706.

COSATU has their annual end of year conference

By Sasha Forbes
22 December 2008

Later today the Congress of South African Trade Unions will be issuing their annual end-of-year report which looks back at the highlights of 2008 and forward to the challenges of 2009.

Spokesperson for COSATU Patrick Craven said that “today’s report will cover a very number range of issues. It begins as it should for a worker for a workers organisation with the challenges which we faced as workers, particularly the rising cost of food, electricity and earlier in the year fuel and the growing threat to jobs as a result of the world economic recession.”

Craven also said that the report will also cover various international interventions, such as the world trade talks, the ongoing crisis in Zimbabwe and the crisis that is developing in Swaziland.

South Africa number one seed

By Sasha Forbes
22 December 2008

New Zealand have been handed a tough first day assignment at their home NZ Sevens, to be played at Wellington's Westpac Stadium on the 6th and 7th of February. The pools and match schedules have been announced, confirming that the Kiwis will play against Australia as well as Wales and relatively new Niue on the first day of the tournament, which is the third in the IRB Sevens World Series.

Bush Radio’s Cindy Witten said that however after having won the first two Cup titles of the new season in Dubai and George, and face arguably the toughest pool challenge of all the top sides, South Africa are the tournament's number one seeds. The Boks will still play Series regulars Kenya and Scotland as well as Tonga, who reached the Cup semi finals at the same stadium last year.

City urges residents to keep rivers clean

By Yamkela Xhaso
22 December 2008

The city of Cape Town is fighting an uphill battle with the polluted rivers around the city.

This is after the recent rubbish in rivers erupted in Black River. The place is known to have four endangered species where residents throw away electrical appliances in the river.

Executive Director of Transport, roads and Storm water from the City of Cape Town said the city has spends 24 million rands a year cleaning rivers.

Chinnapen said they give the function to private contractors who go to a cleaning programme. The cleaning programme is intense because flooding in winter is being avoided.

“Unfortunately the more people dump the more it gets difficult to clean up”

What they have been doing is to go to some educational campaign in the New Year to try and educate the public about the harms of dumping.

“Unfortunately residents during this time of the year they go for easier ways of dumping, they don’t want additional costs”

The Black River area is close to a sub-economic area and people dumping with out thinking about the ecology.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

One dies in N2 accident

By Yamkela Xhaso
21 December

A person died while three others have been injured in a car accident on the N2 in Cape Town in the early hours of today.

Emergency services said that a Toyota Hilux van and a Toyota Corolla went down a wall during the early morning hours.

It is suspected that the driver of the car changed lanes without seeing the bakkie.

Both vehicles went down the bank and rolled several times before landing up in a trench. The driver of the bakkie died dead on the scene while his two passengers were rushed to hospital in a critical condition.

The other driver suffered minor injuries and was taken to hospital and is in a stable condition.

Antonio Williams goes missing

By Yamkela Xhaso
21 December

A young boy is reported missing in Mitchell’s Plain on and police have asked for assistance from
the public in finding him.

The boy’s name is Antonio Williams from Lentegeur in Mitchells Plain went missing from his home on Tuesday 16 December.
Dezzie from the Pink Ladies Organistion said the boy went missing on Tuesday and he was wearing blue trousers, red top and no shoes.
He is ten years old, Coloured male, 1.52 metres tall, slender built.

“There has been extensive ground search all the time”
Dezzie has appealed to the public to be on the lookout for Antonio, they usually call him Malik or Whitey.

Any one with information can call Mitchell’s Plain Police inspector Charles Julius on 073 804 2000 or call Dezzie from the Pink Ladies on 072 214 7439.

Cope finally registered as official political party

By Yamkela Xhaso
21 December

The Congress of the People was officially confirmed as a political party on Friday, this is according to the party’s statement.

Cope said in a statement that it is relieved that the Independent Electoral Commission has finally pronounced on this matter.

One of the founding members of Cope Sampson Phakwago says that the focus now is on the elections.

“And I am so excited that at the end of the day we managed to register”

Sampson said that the party has seen lot of people coming from all other political parties including the ruling to join Cope.

“We are ready for the election above that we are ready to govern the country after the election”

Saturday, December 20, 2008

City of Cape Town offers alternatives to those who do not to queue

By Yamkela Xhaso
20 December

With many motorists renewing licences for their vehicles, trailers and caravans before going on holiday, queues are getting longer in the City’s motor vehicle registration offices.

The City’s Director of Revenue, Trevor Blake, said, that that motor vehicle owners who live within the City Of Cape Town‘s municipal boundaries can renew their vehicle licences via the internet or by post and thus avoid the need to stand in queues.

“We have experienced a large number of people standing in our cues over the past couple of days”

A survey was done and it was revealed that people were not aware of the options that they have to renew their licences.

“To those people who don’t want to stand in queues we have got the facility to renew your license via the internet”

What people must do is call the call centre, they will receive an reference number and they will be advised how to make a payment.

R70 million donated to better nursing education

By Yamkela Xhaso
20 December

International donor organisation Atlantic Philanthropies has donated R70-million which will go towards improving nursing education in South Africa. ACDP’s Cheryllyn Dudley said that this is a positive step for the nursing sector in our country.

She said that it is good news that donor funds could be used to make nursing an attractive career so that nursing colleges can be selective in choosing applicant with wide qualities and this in a long run will be lifesaving.

Dudley has applauded those dedicated nurses in “untiring efforts in a space of overwhelming challenges.

Hospitals in the Eastern Cape in East London and Port Elizabeth in particular there is a shortage of well trained nurses.

Dudley added that one other thing was that HIV patients were filling up hospital way beyond capacity and appealed to minister of Health Barbara Hogan for intervention.

“Government hospitals are not allowed to make a profit.

Trade union Solidarity makes history

By Cindy Witten
20 December 2008

After receiving a record amount of about R100 million in claims, Trade union Solidarity made history. These awards were negotiated on behalf of Solidarity members are made up of just over R69 million in occupational health and safety claims, which were handled on behalf of members. The balance was negotiated by the trade union in labour court cases and general litigation.

Solidarity’s head of legal services, Nick Arnold said that the claims were made up by, for example, conciliations, negotiations and settlements during conciliation proceedings.
“And then also via arbitration awards and court adjudications by the high court or labour court,” said Arnold.

“Most of the compensation has been awarded by the compensation commissioner in the occupational health and occupational injuries claims. And then of course, a lot of claims are adjudicated by the labour court,” he said.

According to an issued statement, Solidarity spokesperson Dirk Hermann, says the awards are not only a victory for the members, but also for Solidarity.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Community Information Network


# Grassy Park Crusaders training sessions for juniors are Wednesdays and Fridays from 17:15 - 19:00. Seniors train on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.45 pm to 8 pm. If you are interested in joining, contact Greg on 082 800 7625 for details.

# The Retreat Aquatics have started training. Those learning to swim and beginners start from 17:30 – 18:15, while the intermediate and seniors train from 18:15 pm. For more information call John on 072 104 5551.

# The De Grendel Lions Club will once again be selling Christmas Cakes. They are R45 each. For more information or to order call Lion Martin Thelander on 082 369 5693.

# The Southern Suburbs Bikers’ Fellowship in Rosemead Avenue, Wynberg, opposite the entrance to William Herbert sports field, invites all bikers and non bikers to their meeting every Sunday at 17:30. Socials are on the last Friday of the month at 19:30 pm. Call Tim on 072 122 2620 or Lol on (021) 527 6501 or 073 1468 093.

# The Homeless People’s Sanctuary invites the unemployed and Homeless to apply for life skills programmes at the Retreat Community hall, Concert Boulevard. Hopes needs volunteer management committee members, specifically a treasurer and members with expertise in financial management, record keeping and secretarial services, as well as skills trainer. Contact Des on (021) 702 0462 for details.

If you would like our community information network to announce your community notice, submit a paragraph detailing the information of your event or project. Send those details to or fax them to (021) 448 5451 or call us on (021 448 5450). You can even send a sms to 32158. Don’t forget notices that can uplift the community will be broadcast free of charge. From the CIN team, I’m…

City thanks Kommetjie residents for their patience

By Cindy Witten
19 December 2008

Following the incident where the main water pipe burst in Kommetjie, the City of Cape Town has thanked residents for their patience and apoligises for the inconveniences suffered.
The City turned off water supplies for about five hours while the crew replaced the section of the pipe that burst last night.

Farouk Robertson, communications officer for the water and sanitation department for th City of Cape Town said that the water lines were slowly being filled.
“They are busy recharging the water lines slowly to prevent any damage to infrastructure,” said Robertson.

“We would like to thank the residents in the area, as we understand it has been quite an inconvenience to them. We are grateful for the patience they have exercised.”

Traffic officers in full force over the weekend

By Mandisi Tyulu
19 December 2008

The Western Cape Traffic Department will be in full force this weekend as more people are living the province.

Traffic Department spokesperson Merle Laurens says more roadblocks will be conducted as well as inspections for roadworthy vehicles and buses. She also urge motorist not to drink and drive.

“Our traffic officers will in full force not only on drunken driving cases but as well as negligent cases and speeding,” says Lourens

Kommetjie residents get a burst pipe

By Sasha Forbes
19 December 2008

This morning residents of Kommetjie experienced the inconvenience of having a burst water pipe, which is the main supply to Kommetjie and its residents.

Communications Officer for Water and Sanitation Farouk Robertson said their crews are working on the problem and it will take around about 5 hours to get everything sorted. “The pipe also burst last night and now what we will be doing is replacing a section of the pipe.”

“We just have one request, for all the residents of Kommetjie just to remain patient, as we are trying our up-most best to restore this pipe” says Robertson

ANC veteran struggle hero dies

By Mandisi Tyulu
19 December 2008

ANC veteran Elizabeth Abrahams, known for her fight against injustice and the exploitation of workers, has died after a long illness at the age of 83.

The Western Cape ANC branch says Abrahams better known as Nana died at her home in Paarl on Wednesday. ANC spokesperson Garth Strachan says the ANC sends it condolences to family, comrades and friends of Elizabeth Abrahams.

“She played a fantastic role in the fight against Apartheid as well as a Trade Unionist, community activist and in the first democratic election of our country.”

She was honest, committed, dignify and icon for all of those that were in the struggle, says Strachan.

“She acted as a moral compass for other activists around her including Chris Hani, Archie Sibeko and Oscar Mapetha. He says Nana a former shop steward became a member of parliament and retired from office in 2000.”

SARS concerned about job losses in textile industry

By Cindy Witten
19 December 2008

The South African Revenue services (SARS) closed down 37 out of the 47 shops in the recently opened China Town in Ottery. This after shop owners were unable to provide the necessary official documentation proving where the merchandise came from. SARS officials confiscated clothing and other merchandise, which will he held until shop owners can provide the required documents.

“The goods, in terms of the customs act, can be detained by SARS if the owners of a retail outlet cannot provide sufficient proof of how the goods were imported, where it came from and whether or not the correct amount of import duties of customs tariffs has been paid,” said SARS spokesperson Adrian Lackay.

Lackay says that the concern to SARS, particularly in the Western Cape, through their interaction with organised labour and the unions, is the impact that illegal imports have on job creation.

“The textile and clothing industry has been suffering job losses over protracted periods of time, which of course leads to direct loss of income for house holds, etc,” he said.

A warning to shop owners is that more raids have been planned for the festive season.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

ANC to beef up its structures in the Western Cape

By Mandisi Tyulu
18 December 2008

The African National Congress has decided to send a high powered team to the Western Cape to beef up the party’s provincial executive committee.

ANC Spokesperson Brian Sokutu says the National Executive Committee made this decision on the first day of its two-day meeting that began in Essellen Park today.

Sokutu says the party takes full responsibility for the failure of its candidates to register in the Western Cape and regrets the outcome. However, it will redouble its efforts to win the elections next year.

The NEC also decided to withdraw its application in the Constitutional Court against the Independent Electoral Commission concerning the Western Cape by-elections process.

City releases Nature Reserve Booklet

By Sasha Forbes
18 December 2008

The City of Cape Town has recently released there newly produced user-friendly and attractive Nature Reserves Booklet which highlights the City’s 24 nature reserves and natural areas.

Biodiversity Management Department and Environmental Resource Management Department Manager Julia Wood said the city has lots of different things to offer and most people only know about Table Mountain and some about Hout Bay.

“This is a nice book that gives you all the information about the different reserves and how to access the reserve and also tells you a little bit about biodiversity. The Nature Reserves Booklet is available from the Rietvlei, Rondevlei and Helderberg Nature Reserves at R5 per booklet. It is also available from the Botanical Society Bookshop at Kirstenbosch,” said Wood

If anyone is interested in downloading a free copy of the publication, you are able to visit and follow the links to ‘Publications’ and ‘Brochures and Booklets’.

Cup winners Ajax Cape Town to parade through the City

By Cindy Witten
18 December 2008

After beating Orlando Pirates to win the Telkom Knockout Cup, Ajax Cape Town is expected to be welcomed by fans with a victory parade across the Cape flats later today.

According to an issued media statement, City spokesperson Pieter Cronjé says that the team will then travel on an open bus to Nyanga, Mannenberg, Bonteheuwel and Langa, greeting fans along the way.
“We are very excited to welcome back our victorious team, and to, at the same time, showcase again our readiness for 2010. Cape Town is indeed a soccer City,” said CronjĂ©.

The parade will come to an end at approximately 17:15, when Ajax Cape Town proceeds to the new FIFA 2010 World Cup stadium at the Green Point Stadium’s Visitors’ Centre. There they will present the Telkom Cup to the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Grant Haskin.

Haskin is quoted as saying that he is proud of the team’s achievement.
“This is a landmark victory for our home team Ajax Cape Town, and we are proud to welcome them back. The team has become an icon that unites all Capetonians at a time when we are moving fast towards the FIFA 2010 World Cup in June 2010,” said Haskin.

COSATU pays their respects to Liz Abrahams

By Sasha Forbes
18 December 2008

COSATU members were deeply saddened to hear about the loss of one of their veteran members and founder member of the trade union movement of South Africa Liz Abrahams, who passed away yesterday.

Spokesperson for COSATU Patrick Craven said that Abrahams devoted her entire life to building the trade union movement and the liberation struggle.

“She continued throughout her life getting involved not only in the Trade Union Movement but the Women’s Movement, the African National Congress, South African Communist Party and was a role model I think for any activist, particularly trade union activist who is coming into the movement today,” said Craven

Craven also said that Abrahams always put her own interests last and was a true servant of the people.

Enforcement of second hand goods act over festive season

By Mandisi Tyulu
18 December 2008

The crime prevention initiative is to ensure that stolen goods are not traded on the second hand goods market, more stringent action can be expected by SAPS during the summer season, and frequent inspection will be conducted at retailers trading in second - hand goods.

The enforcement of the Second - Hands Goods Act (Act 23 of 1955) will henceforth be prioritised with the recent appointment of a Second - Hands Goods Coordinator at each police station in the Western Cape who will be responsible to ensure effective compliance of legislation in order to regulate the trade of second - hand property.

Superintendent Andre Traut says, as long as a market exists for stolen property, thefts and robberies will be perpetrated, however we envisage changing this with our new approach and endeavours to clamp down on crime, and regulate the second - hand goods market with new initiatives.

“Dealers who trade in second - hand vehicles and cellular telephones, or who operate a pawn shop or a scrap yard is required by law to be in possession of a certificate to trade, which is valid for one year between 1 January to 31 December.”

Failure to possess such certificate will deem the business as an illegal operation, which is liable for prosecution in terms of the current legislation. Street trading in the said goods, other than in a controlled flea market environment will not be allowed, and such a business will also be deemed illegal which will accordingly be policed, says Traut.

“Our newly appointed Second - Hand Goods Coordinators will be responsible to ensure that all aspects of the legislation are complied with, and that second - hand goods in the trade are accounted for and noted in a register as required.”

Ignorance of the law will not be regarded as an excuse and traders are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the legislation by consulting with their local police station, said Traut.

Alleged 11 year old drug dealer wanted by police

By Cindy Witten
18 December 2008

City police are looking for an 11 year old boy. This after Mitchells Plain residents informed police of an alleged 11 year old drug dealer operating in the area.

Cape Town’s substance abuse unit (Drug Busters) conducted a raid on three suspected drug houses in Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain. However, police did not find the boy.

Councillor Glen Kleinsmith, who heads Drug Busters, says that investigations involving the boy are underway.

“We are in the process of investigating this whole scenario, as we see it as a very important and dangerous one. It is obvious that this involves a minor who is dealing for a bigger dealer,” said Kleinsmith.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Missing boy has been found

By Yamkela Xhaso
17 December

Chuma Gulwa, who is four years from Sweet Home Farms, who went missing on Monday, 15 December 2008.

He was seen at about 19:00 (on 2008-12-15) playing with his friends.
He is light in complexion and at the time of his disappearance he was dressed in a blue long sleeve T-shirt with a red spider man in front, blue denim shorts and he was barefoot.

Captain Ntomboxolo Sitshitshi of the Nyanga SAPS said the boy has been found.

“The child was found unharmed”

Sitshitshi said he was brought to the station by the Social services officials, according to them the child was found walking alone on the R300 by a couple that was driving towards Mitchell’s Plain who in turn took the child to social services but he will be released to the mother today.

City formulates liquor trading hours by-Law

By Mandisi Tyulu
17 December 2008

In response to the recent signing of the new Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) the City of Cape Town’s Liquor Policy Task Team has completed a draft by-law to control the hours and days of trading by licensed liquor establishments in the city.

The purpose of the by-law is only to control and regulate the trading hours of undertakings licensed by the Licensing Tribunal and does not in any way indicate support for the merits of any new licences or establishments, which would be the subject of a separate process and regulating regime.

The Act contains generic hours of operation for licensed liquor establishments and also permits municipalities by way of a by-law to regulate hours of operation within its jurisdiction. Where a municipality does not by way of a by-law set its own hours, the trading hours default to those stipulated in the Act.

To prevent the Act’s default trading hours and days from becoming applicable, this by-law will set out the trading hours for licensed establishments operating within the jurisdiction of the City of Cape Town. Where the new Liquor Licensing Tribunal grants a licence, according to the Act, it may not do so subject to a condition permitting trading hours in excess of those determined by a municipality in such by-law.

Councillor Taki Amira, chairperson of the City’s Liquor Policy Task Team, says that the City is aiming to advertise the draft by-law for public comment early in 2009. Therafter it will be put to the relevant Portfolio Committee for consideration and subsequent adoption, hopefully before the commencement of the Act, which date is still to be determined by the Minister.

Security officials held up at gun point in Gardens

By Cindy Witten
17 December 2008

This morning, while collecting money at a garage in Orange Street, in Gardens, three security officials were approached by three armed. A suspect ordered one of the guards to hand over the cash box containing an undisclosed amount of money. The suspect then took the box and fled on foot. The two remaining suspects took an official firearm from one of the guards and also fled on foot.

Police spokesperson Captain Randall Stoffels says that the cash-in-transit heist is under investigation.
“We have launched a massive search for the three suspects who were involved in the cash-in-transit at the Engen Garage in Gardens this morning. At this stage, no one has been arrested as yet,” said Stoffels.

Police appeal to anyone with information to contact Cape Town Central Operational room on (021) 467 8001/2.

City Traffic services check long distance buses

By Sasha Forbes
17 December 2008

To ensure that city holiday-makers have a safe trip to the Eastern Cape, City Traffic Officers conducted safety inspections on long distance buses at the Joe Gqabi Transport Interchange and as well as the informal bus terminus in Langa.

Spokesperson for Traffic Services Merle Lourens said that “busses and taxis were subjected to the SABS airbrake test and it was found that 8 of the 66-seater buses had problematic brakes.”

According to Lourens in some cases load sensors had been disconnected and rear brake drums were covered in grease. “Passengers were asked to get off the buses and we put them into roadworthy buses. Trailers hitched to taxis were also checked and it was found that the wheel bearings on several trailers were loose” said Lourens

In all, 191 buses and 62 mini-buses, carrying 7674 passengers, were inspected at the Interchange.

Four rescued on City's beaches yesterday

By Yamkela Xhaso
17 December

Yesterday’s Reconciliation Day saw thousands of people flocking to City’s beaches to celebrate.

There were no reported fatal accident but 4 people nearly did not make it through the day in separate beaches.

The incidents happened in Strandfontein and Melkbosstrand.

Craig Lambinon from the National Sea Rescue Institute said yesterday NSRI rescued two females from Gugulethu who were between the ages of 14 and 16. These females were rescued in Strandfontein beach.

In Melkbosstrand two males a 19 year old and 22 year old were rescued after being swept out of sea.

Also a double canoe with two men on board in Buckhavenwas reported to be disappeared in the water, but when NSRI got there they found the men were diving by the end of the week.

Festive season festivities begin

By Sasha Forbes
17 December 2008

The City of Cape Town is looking forward to a total of more than a hundred thousand people who are expected to host to the centre of the Mother City as the festive season is celebrated in a dozen major, crowd-attracting events and many more private functions and parties.

The City’s Councillor Belinda Walker says the festivities will impact on those who live and trade in the city centre and every effort will be made to ensure that noise; increased traffic volumes and post-event clean-ups are carefully controlled and managed so that CBD residents and businesses are not badly affected.

Many of the festivities have already started and there are still many to look forward to. Walker said “the Adderley Street Night Market is starting and from 7’O Clock onwards you are going to have the start of the night market and that will go on until 12’O Clock.”

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Couple swept out to sea

By Sasha Forbes
16 December 2008

On Monday NSRI Port Elizabeth were activated following reports of a drowning in progress at Maitland Beach. NSRI spokesperson Craig Lambinon says NSRI Port Elizabeth volunteers dispatched their rescue vehicle, along with the Metro Ambulance and Rescue Services, Netcare 911 Ambulance Services, Fire and Rescue Services and the SA Police Services also responded to join local Municipal Lifeguards who were already on the scene.

Lambinon said “when NSRI arrived, they found that a male had already been assisted out of the water. He was fine, in need of no medical assistance and it was also reported that the lifeguards had found a 29-year-old female in the surf as she was washed up on the beach and she was declared dead on the scene.”

According to Lambinon NSRI members believe that the couple was swept out by rip-currents.

NSRI saves hiker

By Sasha Forbes
16 December 2008

Yesterday afternoon NSRI Hout Bay were called out by the National Ports Authority following a request for assistance from a hiker that was suffering exhaustion and in need of assistance on a hiking trail between Hout Bay and Llandudno, but not sure of her exact location.

Spokesperson for the NSRI Craig Lambinon said “during an on going search the female, 50-year-old Suzette van Vuuren from Cullinan, Pretoria was found by the Metro Red Cross Helicopter.”

According to Lambinon they found that van Vuuren was exhausted, dehydrated and suffering from possible heat stroke. Following re-hydration treatment, she was walked back to the road and reunited with her friend.

SAPS promises to keep fireworks under control

By Cindy Witten
16 December 2008

The South African Police Service (SAPS) has promised to come down on people who do not use fireworks in a responsible manner. At this time of the year, being the festive season, there is an increase in the use of fireworks.

SAPS Director Phuti Setati says that the use of fireworks at this time of the year is a serious concern.

“We would like to ensure that all by-laws are observed at this time of the year,” said Setati.

“The public is reminded that fireworks in South Africa are controlled in terms of the Explosives Act, 1956 (Act No 26 of 1956).”

Setati said that all persons have to comply with the conditions of this act. He added that any person who commits a breach of this act will be found guilty and will have to pay a fine, not exceeding R600, or serve a prison sentence of up to 12 months.

According to an issued statement, all Station Commissioners throughout the country have been ordered to obtain copies of these by-laws from the local fire prevention offices and ensure that they are available in all Community Service Centres. The purpose is to ensure that all members of the community comply with these by-laws.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Man arrested for illegal possession of Rock lobster

By Cindy Witten
15 December 2008

On Saturday afternoon, in a joint operation involving officials from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) and the South African Police Service (SAPS) a vehicle and 39 West Coast Rock Lobster tails were confiscated.

This after an inspector saw suspects fishing in canoes near Kommetjie. After a while, the suspects ran up to a vehicle where they put a bag on the back of a bakkie and drove off. The inspector immediately contacted the SAPS who followed the bakkie.

“What they found in the vehicle, in a secret compartment, was about 39 West Coast Rock lobster tails. Charges were brought against one man from Ocean View for illegal transportation of West Coast Rock lobster (not in the whole state) and also for illegal transportation and possession of West Coast Rock lobster within the necessary permit,” said DEAT’s Carol Moses.

She added that the man was expected to appear in Simons Town Magistrates court today.

Armed robbers arrested in Mfuleni

By Yamkela Xhaso
15 December

Police arrested two men in Mfuleni following cash in transit heist in that occurred in Main Road Rondebosch.

The three suspects approached the security guard and forced him to a white Opel Astra, the company alerted the SAPS which led to a high speed car chase on the N2.

“Where they were spotted by a police patrol”

Police superintendent Andre Traut said the robbers’ car was forced to a standstill in Driftlands Mfuleni.

The suspects fired several shots at police and police returned fire, one of the suspects was fatally wounded and other one was shot in the head was arrested on the scene and the other suspect fled the scene on foot.

“The stolen vehicles have been recovered as well as the cash box and an unlicensed firearm and the security officer was fortunately unharmed during the incident”

32 drivers arrested over the weekend

By Yamkela Xhaso
15 December

Metro Police arrested 32 drivers on drunk and driving when Metro Police conducted two separate roadblocks and routine patrols.

Metro Police spokesperson Nowellen Petersen said that apart from the arrests more than one hundred traffic fines were issued mostly for unlicensed drivers.

These numerous operations were conducted included two roadblocks in Fish Hoek and Manenberg.

Petersen told reporters that the \festive Season is in full swing and people can expect regular roadblocks as well as increased patrolson beaches and in the city residential.

City gets Clean Bill of Health from Auditor-General

By Mandisi Tyulu
15 December 2008

The Auditor- General has given the City of Cape Town an unqualified report for the financial year ending 30 June 2008 an indication that the city’s finances are being well managed. This is the fifth consecutive year that the City has achieved this.

Mike Richardson, the City of Cape Town’s Chief Financial Officer, has welcomed the report, saying it confirms the city’s financial resources are being managed in accordance with strict national guidelines. “This will give confidence to all our stakeholders that their money is in safe hands and that we have all proper financial controls in place,” he said.

Councillor Ian Neilson, Mayoral Committee Member for Finance said: “The unqualified report indicates to ratepayers that the City is managing the ratepayer’s money in a responsible manner and is conforming to the requirements of law. Their money is secure and expenditure is properly authorised. Adequate controls are in place to ensure that corrupt practices are strongly discouraged.”

The Auditor-General’s reports come in three categories:
· An unqualified report, which indicates that, overall, the city’s finances have been found to be in order. Concerns of a minor or technical nature are listed as “matters emphasised.”
· A qualified report is issued where there has been mismanagement, over-expenditure or unauthorised expenditure.
· A disclaimed report indicates major irregularities that should send out a red light to stakeholders.

There are two minor “matters emphasised” in the City’s unqualified audit report for the 2007/08 year. One relates to the lapse in the approval authority for the appointment of a labour broker, while the other concerns an amendment to comparative figures from earlier years.

The various stakeholders in the city’s finances will be reassured that all control processes appear to be in line with accepted standards and that the only concerns expressed are technical in nature.

To the national and provincial treasuries, the unqualified report means that the funds they have provided have been properly utilised and accounted for. Residents and ratepayers are also reassured that the money they have paid for rates and services has been spent prudently, while financial institutions can take comfort from the knowledge that their loans to the City are in safe hands, and will be repaid.

“The report will also give confidence to all our stakeholders that our financial systems are being run efficiently as we approach the FIFA 2010 World Cup”, said Richardson. “It indicates that we have the financial management skills required for the build-up to the FIFA 2010 World Cup and thereafter.”

Suspects arrested for theft and housebreaking

By Mandisi Tyulu
15 December 2008

Today during the early hours of the morning in Woodstock police arrested 3 males for Housebreaking and theft that occurred at a business premises situated in Baron street, Woodstock.

Members on patrol noticed a man carrying a large black bag in Baron Street, Woodstock.

Sergeant Hilton Malila says the police searched the bag and found 60 x fabric rolls material. While we were still searching the bag, we noticed another two males walking in the opposite direction also carrying big bags.

“The two men were also approached and the bags were searched during which we found toys and leather hand bags. The total value of the goods recovered is about R45 000 - 00.”

The investigation into the alleged stolen goods led to the businesses, where entry was gained by forcing the front locks open, says Malila.

“The three arrested suspects are age 21, 30 and 36 years. They will appear in the Cape Town Magistrate's court on Wednesday.

Big donation made to Tygerberg Children’s Hospital

By Sasha Forbes
15 December 2008

Today the children of Tygerberg Children’s Hospital received a generous donation of 10 CD players and CD’s of children’s stories from Ruda Landman and Greer Blizzard.

Communications for the Western Cape Department of Health’s Laticia Pienaar says “children learn from story telling so they learn to listen and imagine, so they learn to concentrate and learn languages.” Each series comes in many different languages and this helps each child develop their mind in a different way.

Pienaar also says “because these children are in hospital for a long time, having these stories available in the wards will ensure that they will not miss out on important development opportunities.”

COPE positive about next year’s election

By Cindy Witten
15 December 2008

The long awaited inaugural conference of the newly formed Congress of the People (COPE) got off to a good start with over 4000 COPE representatives gathering in Bloemfontein.

The registration process for the conference started at the Vista University Campus. COPE’s Simon Grindrod says that the new political party is definitely on track.
“There are 4000 representatives of COPE from around the country. There is a huge amount of energy and spirit. It is clear that COPE is on track to, if not win the election, then to make huge inroads into ANC strangle holds on our country,” said Grindrod.

He added that at the conference today, one could see from the people in Bloemfontein that change is in the air.

“COPE is going to be that change for people,” he said.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

trade union says South Africans should be more optimistic about 2009

By Cindy Witten
14 December 2008

Trade union Solidarity released a list of positive things the union believes South Africa could expect in 2009. Following the recent economic crisis, South Africans have seen not only food prices, but also the overall costs of living increase tremendously.

As a result, this year has ended on a disheartening note. However Solidarity has identified some positive points that should make South Africans fell positive about next year.

“This includes lower interest rates, lower inflation, lower food prices, and lower fuel. We believe that more will be done to combat crime. There will be improvement to health facilities. There will be an improvement to infrastructure and telecommunication services,” said Solidarity spokesperson Jaco Kleynhans.

Kleynhans says that Solidarity believes there are many things to look forward to in the new year.
“South Africans can be more optimistic about 2009,” said Kleynhans.

SAA crew members speak about Mumbai terror attacks

By Cindy Witten
14 December 2008

Speaking to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, the seven South African Airways (SAA) crew members who were trapped in the hotel Trident during the Mumbai terror attacks last month, which left a number of people dead, others wounded and several others taken hostage have recounted the ordeal.

SAA crew member Bridget Ntanjana, second in command recounts the day the crew experienced the Mumbai terror attacks. Ntanjana says that they did not think that they would come out of the Hotel alive.
“We were so frightened. We were so scared. We didn’t know what to do,” she said.
“We could here from the passage; there was a sound that said, ‘Stay in your room’. It was a bit soft, but it said, ‘Stay in your room… Stay in your room…’. We kept our doors locked, and we stayed in our rooms.”

Saturday, December 13, 2008

One suspect arrested following hijacking in Soneike, Kuilsriver

By Cindy Witten
13 December 2008

On Thursday night a Soneike resident was held up at gunpoint in her drive way by armed men. The men demanded her vehicle before speeding off. The victim was not injured during the incident. However, the vehicle was spotted by police members early on Friday morning driving towards the Blackheath Industrial area.

Police followed the vehicle that turned around and drove towards Mfuleni on the Hindle Road. Mfuleni, Kleinvlei and the Flying Squad police gave chase. The suspects fired several shots towards the police members and their vehicles and police returned fire. Police believe there were at least five suspects who then ran off in all directions with police following them.

SAPS Captain Anneke van der Vyver says that one of the hijackers has been arrested but investigations into the hijacking are still underway.
“One of the suspects was arrested from where he was hiding in the rest room of a nearby fuel station on Hindle Road. Police noticed that the suspect had been injured. It is believed that he sustained a gun shot wound to the leg during the shoot out,” said van der Vyfer.

Success for City’s traffic safety operation

13 December 2008
By Cindy Witten

During the traffic safety operations that took place last night, every taxi and bus on the N1 and N2 (driving out of the City) was stopped and drivers checked. Apart from testing motorists for drug and alcohol usage, officials also checked for driver’s licences and road worthiness.

Minister of Community Safety, Patrick McKenzie said that a few arrests were made, but all in all, he is very pleased with last night’s traffic blitz.
“The traffic road block was very successful last night and it will definitely continue. The word is out now and people know that we mean business,” said McKensie.

The minister also warned traffic offenders to be on the lookout.
“And for those who try and think they can get away with anything, you have seen what happened last night. You will not get away with it. You will be caught.”

Road closures due to Christmas Choir Road March

By Sasha Forbes
13 December 2008

Motorists are warned that a number of roads in the inner city will be closed due to the annual Christmas Choir Road March that will be taking place tomorrow from 13:00 to 18:30.

Spokesperson for the Christmas Choir Road March Charles Fisher says “the choirs will start their march from Rose Street and Strand Street in the Bo-Kaap at 13:00. They will move into Wale Street, turn left into Adderley Street, right into Darling Street to the City Hall where the march will end and the choirs will disperse.”

Road closures will be in between Buitekant street and Darling street and then Darling street and Plein street.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Manenberg’s People’s Centre’s Hair and Beauty Project will host a day of pampering at a reduced cost for all the stressed out teachers and members of the community. Call Melanie on 021 691 2201 to book or for more information

Ten Buses will be leaving from Ikamva on
Friday 12 December, 2008 from 15h00,
for the Telkom Knock-Out Final
at the Chatsworth Stadium, Durban

If you would like to travel with the Ajax supporters please contact the following:
· Mark Kulp, Elsies River:- 072 545 9029
· Zano Hendricks, Manenberg:- 071 026 3637
· Ismail Davids, Hanover Park:- 082 267 7220
· Jeff Ayanda, KTC/Guguletu:- 078 672 8388/082 293 7323
· Chris Toockley, M/Plain:- 082 444 1059
· William Gilbert, Delf:- 076 311 3139
· Gladys Gailey, Westbury, Johannesburg:- 082 493 7426

Kewtown Primary is currently enrolling learners for 2009. The school offers a safe environment, free art classes, free computer classes and dance classes at minimal fee. For more information call the school on 021 637 7020.

The Southern Suburbs Bikers’ Fellowship in Rosemead Avenue, Wynberg, opposite the entrance to William Herbert sports field, invites all bikers and non bikers to their meeting every Sunday at 5.30 pm. Socials are on the last Friday of the month at 7.30 pm. The Christmas service on Thursday December 25 is at 9 am and the New Year service on Wednesday December 31 is at 10.30 pm. Call Tim Byne on 072 122 2620 or Lol on 021 527 6501 or 073 1468 093.

If you would like our community information network to announce your community notice, submit a paragraph detailing the information of your event or project. Send those details to or fax them to 021 448 5451 or call us on 021 448 5450. You can even send a sms to 32158. Don’t forget notices that can uplift the community will be broadcast free of charge.

City’s law enforcers to receive Segway electric vehicles

By Yamkela Xhaso
12 December

Cape Town’s criminals are in for a surprise. They could well be pursued this festive season by city law enforcement officers on Segway Personal Transport two-wheelers.

The local agents for the US-manufactured vehicles have loaned three of them to the city to enhance patrol work.

It is not yet known which lucky police members will get to wiz along on the high-tech machines.

Chief of Law Enforcement Richard Bosman said the handing over of the Segways was supposed to be on Friday December 12 but now the date has been set for Monday December 15.

“The purpose of this was to improve the mobility of our staff and also improve the effectiveness of patrolling in certain areas”

The vehicles will be given a trial whether it is effective or not and whether it improves the productivity of and coverage of the staff over the area.

“The vehicle is very light and can be used almost is every trend” But at this stage it will be used in the Sea Point and flat areas. said Bosman.
“It’s very small, it can move in and around people and cause small inconvenience, it’s not like driving a motorbike or a motorcycle in the Promenade”

Metro Police arrest three in Hanover Park

By Yamkela Xhaso
12 December

City of Cape Town Metro Police arrested three suspects for the possession of illegal firearms and drugs following a raid in a Hanover Park house.

The house is been alleged to be belonging an American Gang.

Metro Police Officer Nosiseko Samuel said the house had been kept under surveillance prior to the raid.

The suspects were charged with the unlawful possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition, tik, mandrax, heroin, dagga and ecstasy.

“The police confiscated 485 Mandrax tablets, 228 Ecstasy tablets, 51 small schets, six big sachets and 122 straws of tik. Fifty seven Heroine units and three dagga cigarettes”

The police also confiscated three unlicensed firearms, 42 rounds of ammunition, a forged driver’s license and R70 000 cash.

Policing for a safer festive season

By Mandisi Tyulu
12 December 2008

The South African Police Services in the Western Cape is committed to achieve a safer festive season and therefore it will intensify its fight against crime by setting up crime-combating operations in the province.

Inspector Bheki Xulu says, We will conduct random searches, roadblocks, stop & search operations, distribute crime prevention literature, search premises, test vehicles, check firearms, search people as well as vehicles to name but a few. Criminals can expect the heat of our operations, while we request law abiding citizens to have consideration for our initiatives to ensure their safety.

“We would however like to extend a warning to the public to be vigilant at all times.
During this time of the year criminals target people knowing : - * that contractors or business owners withdraw large sums of money at banks for bonuses and pay-outs * that construction owners might do on site payments to their workers ; and * that others (for example factory workers) might receive and travel with their holiday bonuses By volunteering information on criminals and their activities and by taking reasonable steps to ensure their own personal safety, community members, business enterprises and other organizations can partner the SAPS in order to act against crime together.

Man arrested for suspicion of murder

By Sasha Forbes
12 December 2008

Yesterday morning Bishop Lavis police discovered the bodies of two sisters in a house in Simonsberg road, Bishop Lavis.

Spokesperson for the SAPS November Filander said “after family members alerted the police that the two ladies are missing, police accompanied by family members went to the house where they discovered the two bodies.”

Filander also said that a 33-year-old man has been taken in for questioning and the motive is still yet unknown.

Missing persons aleart

By Sasha Forbes
12 December 2008

On the 21st of November Ridwaan Abdoola went missing from his Welcome Glen home. He is wearing a blue jeans and a blue t-shirt. If anyone has any information, please contact the Simons Town police on 021 786 8646 or his family on 021 786 5865 or on 073 402 1343.

Cosatu slams repo rate reduction

By Mandisi Tyulu
12 December 2008

The Congress of South African Trade Unions says it is deeply disappointed that the Reserve Bank has only reduced the repo rate by 50 basis points. Cosatu says a substantial cut could have countered retrenchments and the economic slump.

Spokesperson Patrick Craven says such a small reduction will have a minimal impact on individuals battling to repay loans and bonds. It will also not help businesses struggling against the combined effects of the ten previous interest rate hikes and the impact of the world economic crisis.

“The Governor is still wedded to his irrational attachment to the policy of rigid inflation-targeting, regardless of the fact that the rate of inflation is now falling, and that the biggest challenge, now more than ever, is economic recession and rising unemployment, yet he has still kept interest rates high,” says Craven.

“It is all the more astonishing that he took this decision at a time when governments around the world, many of them with very right-wing, neoliberal views, are slashing interest rates. In the UK for instance, the base lending rate is now only 2%, compared to South Africa’s 22.5%. “

“It is incredible that a developing country like South Africa, with nearly 40% unemployment, should be sticking to a rigidly cautious monetary policy when traditionally conservative governments of the developed countries are using interest rate cuts to save jobs and prevent a recession”, said Craven

Robben Island launches new way to buy tickets

By Sasha Forbes
12 December 2008

The Robben Island Museum has introduced a new system of booking tickets via the internet anytime of the day.

The Museum’s spokesperson reportedly said that all tickets will be scanned to ensure efficient boarding. Bookings can also be made via the telephone.

Robben Island Museum spokeswoman Shoni Mbatha says “it is actually an early Christmas present for our visitors to the island.”

Mbatha also says that visitors will also be notified via sms weather boats are cancelled or running late. Visitors can also check book online or check for information at

Thursday, December 11, 2008

15-year-old boy gets bitten by a shark

By Sasha Forbes
11 December 2008

Yesterday evening NSRI volunteers were called out to see to a 15-year-old boy who had been bitten by a shark. It was reported that the boy was fishing and caught a 2 meter long Ragged Tooth shark that had taken the bait off his surf rod, reel and line.

According to NSRI’s Plettenberg Bay Station Commander Ray Farnham the boy fought for an hour and a half to land the shark and while attempting to release the shark back into the sea, he had grabbed hold of the shark’s tail fin; however the shark swung around and bit him on his legs and torso.

Spokesperson for the NSRI Craig Lambinon also warns “we are advising anyone that faces a similar situation, that if they’ve caught a shark while fishing, they shouldn’t try and touch or grab the shark but should rather just leave the shark alone and cut the line. The hook will in any case would just disintegrate in its mouth after awhile, it won’t harm the shark.” The shark will try and defend itself if it feels threatened or feels as if it is going to be captured.

Lambinon said that the boy received forty stitches and remains in a stable condition.

Fedusa welcomes domestic worker pay increase

By Mandisi Tyulu
11 December 2008

The Federation of Unions of South Africa in principle welcomes government’s decision to increase the minimum wage for domestic workers. According to the Department of Labour, the annual increase for domestic workers is now based on CPIX + 2 % (12.4 percent) with effect from 1 December this year.

Fedusa President Dannie Carstens says that, Fedusa believes that the decision came at an appropriate time in order to properly compensate domestic workers over the festive season. The new wage structures for domestic workers employed in metropolitan municipal areas and who work more than 27 hours a week have been set at a minimum wage of R6. 88 per hour or R1 340. 95 per month. On the other hand, the minimum wage for domestic workers, who work in rural areas, has been set at R8.12 per hour or R949. 97.

Fedusa is pleased with the proposal and believes that the increase is fair. “Fedusa calls on employers not to retrench domestic workers due to the proposed wage increases. Domestic workers play a crucial role in our lives, as they render a very important service to our households and have become an indispensable part of our families,” says Carstens.

“Fedusa appeals to all employers of domestic workers to “round off” if possible; the said minimum wage of R1340. 95 to an amount of R1 500, so as to accommodate the travel expenses of those domestic workers who do not live on the premises of their employers”.

“Given the current economic crisis, fedusa encourages employers who are already paying above the minimum wage to continue to do so, or to pay more if possible,” said Carstens

Man dies after falling onto rocks

By Sasha Forbes
11 December 2008

Yesterday afternoon NSRI were called out to the Storms River Mouth at the Tsitsikama Nature Reserve following reports of a 74-year-old man who had fallen on rocks and had been reported unconscious. Baycare ambulance services, SA National Park Rangers and members of the Mountain Club of South Africa also responded.

Spokesperson for the NSRI Craig Lambinon said “on arrival on scene the 74-year-old male was stabilised, due to his condition which was serious, it was decided to call in a Charlie Flight 15 Squadron airforce helicopter for Port Elizabeth. A Netcare 911 paramedic accompanied that helicopter, on arrival on scene the man was hoisted onto the helicopter and taken to a local Southern Cape hospital.”

It was reported that the man later passed away.

City holds graduation ceremony for business students

By Sasha Forbes
11 December 2008

Today the City of Cape Town, in partnership with the Raymond Ackerman Academy of Entrepreneurial Development, will be hosting a graduation ceremony for 36 of their students from the Academy.

The project which is facilitated by the City’s Departments of Social Development Facilitation and Economic and Human Development is aimed at helping the students to build their own economic skills.

Spokesperson for Social Development Facilitation Mzoxolo Kutta said “the programme is helping the students in term of leadership skills, life skills and entrepreneurship development, so that they are able to open up their own businesses and so that they can be empowered

Mitchell’s Plain switches on their festive lights

By Sasha Forbes
11 December 2008

On Sunday the 14th of December, Mitchell’s Plains Sub-council chairperson, Councillor Grant Pascoe, will officially switch on the Mitchells Plain festive lights. Councillor Pascoe said that this is third annual switch on for Mitchell’s Plain and that they pride themselves that every year since they have started it has been a great success.

Pascoe also said that it is an afternoon of fun and entertainment and it is just a great experience for everyone to be out there. “Our festive lights switch on is followed by our five day night market which has also been greatly successful and we have set ourselves the goal to try and beat Adderley Street in about five years time.”

Pascoe also said that they are working along side some great corporates that have decided to come on board, but at the moment their names weren’t able to be mentioned.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Leading political parties battle it out in by-elections

By Cindy Witten
and Mandisi Tyulu

41 municipal wards were up for grabs in today’s by-elections. The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) says 159 candidates contested 41 wards in the Western Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Northern Cape.

Political observers say that this will be the first real test for the breakaway party Congress of the People (COPE), but that the new-comers greatest challenge, being the African National Congress (ANC), left the COPE feeling more confident after the registration botch on the part of the ANC.

Twelve ANC candidates had been barred from taking part in the by-elections because their names were not registered in time.
IEC’s Courtney Sampson says that apart from the ANC’s bungle, the day’s events ran smoothly.
“The court made a decision yesterday that ANC candidates could not participate in the City of Cape Town and the Cederberg. The ANC had in the mean time brought another court application to the electoral court, asking for the postponement of the election, but that is quiet at the moment. We are going according to plan,” said Sampson.

However, the ANC has expressed its disapproval of the IEC’s court ruling. The party urgently approached the Constitutional Court after the Electoral Court ruled yesterday that the party cannot take part in the by-elections in the City of Cape Town and Cederberg Municipality because it missed the deadline for registering its candidates. ANC spokesperson Jessie Duarte says that the IEC is inconsistent in its ruling because in 1994 other political parties were late as well but the IEC was lineate.

“The basis of the IEC’s court ruling, we find actually rob voters of voting for an organisation of their choice. It is a constitutional right in South Africa to vote for a party of one’s choice, and the IEC is denying the right to do so,” said ANC spokesperson Jessie Duarte.
Independent Democrats (ID) leader, Patricia de Lille says this would teach the ANC a lesson they must respect the rule of law and admit that they have failed to register in time.
“They have failed to be ready and organised in time, and therefore they should just accept the results and move on,” said de Lille.

Meanwhile, interim provincial spokesperson for the COPE Nils Flaatten says that the party is confident they are in for a big win across the 27 wards they are contesting in the Western Cape.
“We were excited about today, seeing as all the challenges around court battles are behind us. We are keen to get to the ballet boxes, although we would have liked to see all parties registered,” said Flaatten.
He said that the COPE has received positive feedback and that members are mobilised and on the ground.

City appeals to South Peninsula residents to use water sparingly

By Yamkela Xhaso
10 December

The City's Water and Sanitation Department urgently appeals to residents in the South Peninsula to use water sparingly. Farouk Robertson, Communication Officer, Water and Sanitation Department said the hot weather led to substantial increase in water consumption.

“And what we’ve also noticed is the fact that people are not adhering to the water conservation practices which we have on numerous occasions publicised via the media” said Robertson

Robertson said they are founding a bit difficult to maintain the reservoir levels and “we do not want this to lead to unfortunate consequences for our residents”

Robertson has asked the residents to follow these rules.

· Do not water gardens between 10am and 4pm
· Do not water gardens every day or excessively
· Cover swimming pools when they are not in use
· Do not wash cars using hoses without trigger nozzles
· Do not hose down driveways, use a broom
· Re-use bath and sink water to water plants and lawns
· Mulching flower beds keeps down the weeds and holds moisture in the soil for longer
· Do not let water just run unwillingly

“This is a very expensive commodity, a very essential commodity in our lives; we need to use it wisely”

Robertsons thanked all those who are practising water conservation.

Former Bush Radio station manager to be appointed to MDDA board

Dr Tanja E. Bosch
By Sasha Forbes
10 December 2008

Chief Executive Officer Lumko Mtimde of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) that supports, promotes and ensures the development and diversity of the media, announced that on the 5th of December President Kgalema Motlanthe siged a memorandum in order to appoint two new board members; Dr. Tanja Bosch and Ms Phumelele Ntombela-Nzimande.
Bosch who is a former station-manager of Bush Radio and is currently a Film and Media Studies lecturer at the University of Cape Town and Ntombela-Nzimande is the Chief People’s Officer of the SABC, will be appointed from the 1st of January 2009.
MDDA’s Chief Executive Officer Lumko Mtimde said “we are looking forward to working with them and hoping that we will be able to tap on there valuable input, in order to pursue the media development and diversity agency.”

Bush Radio Managing Director, Zane Ibrahim, says that the entire Bush Radio family welcomes the upcoming appointment of Dr Tanja Bosch to the MDDA board. “We are sure that Dr Bosch will add great value to the work of the MDDA and that she will continue to be a strong supporter of the community media sector where she cut her teeth both as a broadcaster and academic. Her rise from volunteer at our small community radio station to board member of the MDDA proves that the community media sector will continue to assist in the growth of individuals who can help affect change for good in the media industry.”

Government to meet with taxi industry

By Mandisi Tyulu
10 December 2008

Yesterday the City of Cape Town, still reeling under the violent demonstrations by taxi owners and drivers that brought the Central Business District to a standstill yesterday, will react to the industry’s demands within two weeks.

City Executive Director Mike Marsden received a memorandum of grievances from various taxi associations on behalf of Mayor Helen Zille. He undertook to deliver the document to Zille and assured demonstrators that they would receive a response within two weeks.

General spokesperson for the Taxi Association,Mandla Mata says one of their demands are that the Bus Rapid transport system must stop and that the authorities do not issue permit on time, we wait to long.

“Law enforcement is abusive to us as taxi drives and they are harassing us and that taxi capacity is being reduce by the new system from fifteen seats to thirteen seats,” says Mata.

Meanwhile, Mayoral Committee Member for Transport Elizabeth Thompson says that the City condemns, in the strongest terms, the violence, intimidation and unlawful acts perpetrated by certain individuals from the taxi industry during the demonstrations. She says CCTV and other video footage will be used as evidence for prosecutions.

City of Cape Town installs new flush toilets

By Sasha Forbes
10 December 2008

The City of Cape Town is now in the process of installing flush toilet into the homes of over five-thousand residents of the BM informal settlement in Khayelitsha. The project was initiated with the community over six months ago.

Blommie Hendricks the Director of Development Services said “there were poor flush toilets in BM section and the people were not very happy with the toilets that was in place, then through the water services department and city officials who facilitated the installation of these over four-hundred-and twenty toilets.”

According to Hendricks there are still another one-hundred-and-twenty toilets that have to be installed and that will be done by March next year.

Justice Minister launches new programme

By Sasha Forbes
10 December 2008

Today the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development Mr Enver Surty , will launch the Access to Justice and Promotion of Constitutional Rights Programme; Strengthening Civil Society Participation which is a partnership between the Department of Justice, South Africa and the European Union at Orange Farm Multipurpose Centre.

Spokesperson for the Minister of Justice Zolile Nqayi said “the programme is meant to enhance democracy and also to ensure the improvement of attitudes of people. Through the programme we are hoping to visit all communities, especially those that might not often be aware of the rights and resources they have under the legislation.”

The programme is scheduled to begin in April next year and will run for 36 months, followed by the 12 month closure period. The launch will also mark the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the end of the National campaign of 16 days of activism against women and children.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Matriculants and Grade 11s can continue their studies with Hopes by registering for January computer lessons. They offer free basic computer lessons on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 am to noon over a five week period. They are located in the Retreat Hall, corner of Concert Boulevard and Cradock Road. For details call 021 702 0462.

The Sikho Sonke Youth Development agency are looking for unemployed people who have experience in wielding, electrical and construction to register with their unemployment registration desk. School leavers who need assistance in career guidance are also welcome. Sikho Sonke is situated at the Spes Bona Building in Harmony Square, Town Centre. For more information call Shanaaz Voterson on 021 391 7414.

Ajax Cape Town Coaching sessions for players aged 10 to 15 year son Thursday and Friday December 11 and 12, from 9 am to 3 pm. The cost is R200 a player. For more details call Riyaad Khan at 021 930 6001.

Merrydale Community Forum is having its 10th anniversary celebrations on Saturday December 6, starting with a procession through the streets at noon and continuing at Merrydale Primary School in Lentergeur. Stalls will be available for hire. To take part or lend support for the event, call 084 238 5055 or 021 374 7571.

If you would like our community information network to announce your community notice, submit a paragraph detailing the information of your event or project. Send those details to or fax them to 021 448 5451 or call us on 021 448 5450. You can even send a sms to 32158. Don’t forget notices that can uplift the community will be broadcast free of charge. From the CIN team, I’m…

Violent protests at Cape Town taxi ranks

By Cindy Witten
09 December 2008

Earlier today, the City of Cape Town warned that protesting taxi operators were causing disruptions in the city. Taxi groups are opposed to the Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) system, proposed in the run-up to the 2010 Soccer World Cup.

Angry protestors attacked motorists, bus drivers and passengers in several parts of the province this morning, leaving many commuters stranded and workers unable to get to work on time. Reports say shots were fired as well as stones thrown around when protestors clashed with police.

However, Director Mlanga from Khayelitsha police department said that calm had been restored.
“Busses are still picking up the people on the on-ramp to the N2. Taxi’s are also driving around picking up people – there’s no violence at all now. We deployed a number of police officers; the visibility is high of police officers in the area,” said Mlanga.

IEC rejects ANC’s Application

By Yamkela Xhaso
09 December

The Electoral Court has ruled against the African National Congress today regarding the party’s participating in the bi-elections in the Western Cape tomorrow.

This follows the ruling party’s failure to register the party’s candidates for the by elections of four wards in the Cedeberg Region and eight in the City of Cape Town.

Provincial Electoral Officer in the Western Cape Reverend Courtney Sampson says this is unfortunate for a political party not to participate in an election.

“For us is no victory in something like this”

Reverend Sampson added that the ANC filed papers with the electoral court which were served this morning before the judgement came out. The ANC were asking the electoral court to postpone the election in those two municipalities.

The matter is before the court and “we will wait for the outcome of the court”

Motlanthe’s decision not to re-appoint Pikoli not in line with National Prosecuting Authority act

By Cindy Witten
and Mandisi Tyulu
09 December 2008

President Kgalema Motlanthe has decided against keeping Vusi Pikoli on as National Director of Public Prosecutions. However, in an address to the nation, Motlanthe said that Pikoli’s professional competence was not in question. Former president Thabo Mbeki suspended Pikoli on September 23 last year, citing a breakdown in relations between Pikoli and former justice minister Brigitte Mabandla.

The ACPD has expressed its disappointment with government’s decision. Spokesperson for Justice Matters ACDP’s Steve Swart says that the party does not believe that government is serious in its attempts to fight crime.

“The ACDP is shocked and disappointed by the decision by President Motlanthe not to re-appoint Advocate Pikoli as head of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). This particularly following the Ginwala Commission finding him a fit and proper person to hold such a position,” said Swart.

Swart added that the ACDP is of the opinion that the issue of national security raised by President Motlanthe, appears to be a cover up to get rid of Advocate Pikoli.

UWC constitutional law expert Pierre De Vos says he was surprised by the decision to fire Pikoli as the decision was not in line with the National Prosecuting Act.

“The removal of Vusi Pikoli from office, seeing as the Ginwala Commission has not found any of the criteria that would warrant removal was present. The Ginwala Commission did however say that for security reasons, Pikoli did not have acted in the correct manner,” said De Vos.

Two prisoners arrested for extortion related charges

Two prisoners were arrested last week for extortion related charges. PICTURE: PIXABAY According to police, the two suspects operated from ...