Friday, March 06, 2009

Langa cemetery is full; residents may use other cemeteries in future

By Yamkela Xhaso
06 March

Langa Cemetery has no new burial space left and can only be used for second burials in family graves, where sufficient depth permits.

Susan Brice from the City Parks department said that second burials are encouraged, where possible, so as to enable family members to be buried close to one another and increase the capacity of cemeteries.

This practice is permitted in the cemetery by-laws, provided there is no disturbance of the remains of the first buried coffin.

Susan said there were other graveyards that can be used.

New cemeteries have been developed in Delft and Khayelitsha. Other new cemeteries planned are Wallacedene, Metro South East and Vaalfontein

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