Sunday, January 31, 2010

President’s sex life under fire

By Ofentse Mokae
31 January 2010

Following media reports about the alleged fathering of a three month old baby by President Jacob Zuma, the opposition came strongly against his behavior describing it as an undermine to the struggle against HIV/AIDS.

The Democratic Alliance says Zuma’s behaviour directly contradicts government’s campaign against multiple sexual partners, and the inherent AIDS risk in having unprotected sex.

A Sunday publication reported that Zuma fathered a child with the daughter of powerful soccer administrator and long-time friend, Irvin Khoza making him(Zuma) a proud dad of twenty children.

It is alleged that Sonono Khoza, a 39-year-old divorcée gave birth to Thandekile Matina Zuma in October last year, just three months before the president took the wedding vow for the fifth time.

DA leader Helen Zille says the OneLove Campaign promoting safe sex, the use of condoms, and attitudes that diminish the chance of having unprotected sex with multiple partners is the clear and unequivocal message that the government is trying to convey to the South African electorate.

“It sits in stark contrast to the behaviour, and it would appear attitude, of the South African president,” Zille says.

Zille says some may argue that Zuma’s sex life is a matter of private morality or “culture”, but this is not so as his personal behaviour has profound public consequences.

She says Zuma himself acknowledged as much by apologising to the nation for having unprotected sex, following his rape trial, and by undertaking to change his ways.

He said at the time: “I wish to state categorically and place on record that I erred in having unprotected sex. I should have known better and I should have acted with greater caution and responsibility.”

Zuma is engaged to 45-year-old Gloria Bongekile Ngema, with whom he has one child, and has an adult son with Minah Shongwe.

President Jacob Zuma’s spokesperson Vincent Magwenya won’t comment on the reports.

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