Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two police members arrested for fraud and corruption

By Khanyisa Tabata
28 January 2010

Two police member have been arrested in Grassy park and Fish Hoek for corruption and defeating the ends of justice.

Police spokesperson Superintend Andre Traut says it is suspected that the member, who also resides in Grassy Park, tipped drug dealers off prior to envisaged operations in return for payment.

“Our endeavours to root out corruption amongst our ranks in the Western Cape Police resulted in the arrest of two of our members this morning.

“Soon after his arrest, it was the turn of a 38 year old Fish Hoek inspector. He was arrested on charges of corruption and defeating the ends of justice”, said Superintended Andre Traut.

We will continue to investigate corruption perpetrated by our members, and will stop at nothing, until we are satisfied that the community is served by hard working, loyal and trustworthy members who shares the vision and the mission of SAPS added Traut.

Both members are detained until their court appearance tomorrow in Simons Town.

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