Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gauteng motorists hit hard as fuel pumps run dry

By Khanyisa Tabata
13 July 2011

At least 16 Engen service stations in Johannesburg have already run out of fuel. Dry pumps have also been reported at two stations in Pretoria and one in Durban.

Engen has been the only company to release details about affected pumps, with Shell and BP remaining quiet on the matter.

Head of the Fuel Retailers’ Association, Reggie Sibiya, says the ongoing petroleum workers’ strike has had a negative impact on overnight deliveries around the country.

The strike seems to have had little effect however, on stations in the Western Cape.

Meanwhile at least six-thousand petroleum workers affiliated to Solidarity will also down tools.

The union’s Dirk Hermann says this is in response to information that the executive directors of Sasol earned 81-percent more over the last financial year.

Hermann says this figure is between 13 and 21 times more than the current inflation rate. Sasol says it is not yet able comment and will release a statement shortly.

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