Tuesday, August 02, 2011

ANC Youth League hits back

By Khanyisa Tabata
02 August 2011

Tensions between the ANC and the ANC Youth League have reached unprecedented levels over the Youth League’s threats to Botswana’s government.

The ANC slammed the Youth League in a statement for threatening a democratically elected government and said the League’s ill discipline had crossed the line.

But this afternoon the Youth League hit back, saying it is continuing with its campaign to unseat the Botswana government.

The Christian Democratic Party says it’s extremely gratifying that at last criticism has been leveled at the ANC Youth League by the ANC.

The party’s leader, Reverand Theunis Botha, says ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema has consistenly made ill-considered statements on radical economic transformation and nationalization.

He says one wonders why it has taken the ANC so long before publicly taking on the Youth League and its leader.

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