Friday, October 21, 2011

ANC says Gaddafi’s death could have been avoided

Lusanda Bill
21 October 2011

The ANC says the gruesome killing of Muammar Gaddafi could have been avoided if the United Nations adopted African Union’s peaceful approach.

Party spokesperson Jackson Mthembu says the National Transitional Council should embrace all Libyans, irrespective of who they supported during the conflict.

Tom Wheeler of the SA Institute of International Affairs says the NTC government in Libya is not expected to struggle with the fact that they no longer have an enemy to fight, in the form of Muammar Gaddafi.

Meanwhile, political analyst Harald Pakendorf says Gaddafi’s demise sends a clear message to world leaders.

He added that notorious dictators such as Kim Jong-il and Robert Mugabe may not be fazed, but other leaders will take this as a sign.

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