Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Freight Industry Appeals for the lowering of Fuel taxes

The freight industry is appealing for the government to intervene and lower fuel taxes.

This comes on the back of another fuel increase which will see motorists fork out over R20 per litre from tomorrow.

Express Freight business, Bigfoot Chief Finance Officer Denesh Singh says the fuel hikes are crippling the freight sector and the economy.

He was speaking at a webinar on South Africa’s fuel hikes where he was joined by Consumer Advocate Ina Wilken and Portfolio Manager and Business Unit Head at Sasfin Mohil Bandulal.

Singh has said that since the start of the year, there has been a massive increase in fuel costs which ultimately affects the ordinary consumer who relies on the freight sector to deliver food, medicine and other essential goods for their daily living.

Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi

Monday, November 29, 2021

Queen Elizebeth ll loses Sovereignty over Barbados

Barbados is set to cut ties with the British monarchy, but the legacy of a sometimes brutal colonial past and the pandemic's impact on tourism pose major challenges for the Caribbean island as it becomes the world's newest republic.

Ceremonies on Monday evening into Tuesday will include military parades and celebrations, as Governor-General Sandra Mason is inaugurated as president, with Prince Charles heir to the British throne looking on.

In a speech to be delivered at the transition ceremony, Charles is due to focus on continued ties between the two countries.

Queen Elizebeth ll will be replaced with a Barbadian President in an inauguration ceremony to be held when the country celebrates independence on Tuesday.

It will mark the first time in three decades that the queen is removed as head of state. The shift is said to awaken discussions of similar proposals in other former British colonies that have Queen Elizabeth as their sovereign, which include Jamaica, Australia and Canada.

Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi

SA to stay on alert level 1 amid discovery of new variant

 President Cyril Ramaphosa address to the nation on Sunday night on developments on the Covid-19 pandemic. During his speech, he announced that South Africa will remain on lockdown alert level 1 even with the detection of the new variant, Omicron.

source: EWN

This comes amid a rapid rise in infections, the discovery of the new Omicron variant and an endless list of travel bans imposed against some Southern African countries, including South Africa.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said that over the coming days, infection rates would be monitored and reviewed to ensure that the current safety measures are adequate or if change need to be made.

The increase in infections has for now been centered in Gauteng, although cases are also rising in other provinces. The president also urged those who were not vaccinated against COVID-19 to do so, saying that it was the best way to fight the virus.

The president has condemned travel bans imposed on South Africa and called on countries with bans currently in place to urgently reverse their decisions before it damages our economy even further.

As part of lockdown alert level one regulations:

  •         the sale of alcohol for onsite and offsite consumption remains permitted.
  •         Public gatherings are restricted to 750 people indoors and 2,000 outdoors.
  •         The wearing of masks in public places is still mandatory and failure to do so is a criminal offence.
  •         And the curfew remains in place from 12pm to 4 am.

By Danielle Mentoor

Friday, November 26, 2021

Brutal attack by officer on mother would failed to wear mask

Police officers are looking into allegations made by KwaZulu-Natal woman on her assault by police for failing to wear a face mask in public.

According to KwaZulu-Natal Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza, the young woman was "brutally" assaulted after failing to comply with Covid-19 regulations.

Khoza condemned the incident, saying the police officer allegedly hit the woman on the head with the end of his gun in front of her eight-year-old child. She was then dragged to the police station, where she was stripped naked and beaten, in the presence of other police officers.

The officer allegedly claimed Thusi had attacked him and she was denied access to healthcare services and kept in a police cell.

The victim only managed to get medical help after she was released. According to doctors they identified serious head injuries, and that her eardrums had been perforated.

A team of social workers was dispatched to provide psychosocial support to the victim and her child.

by Everngelista Muza

Police officer shot dead by robbers in Table mountain

Police responded to an armed robbery at a business involving four robbers on Friday morning inKillarney Gardens in Table View.

When officers arrived, the suspects, who had held staff at gunpoint inside the building, fired shots at police as they fled. During the shootout, two police officials were wounded, as well as two robbers.

One of the officers from Table View who sustained a gunshot wound to his head died on arrival at a medical facility in the area.

The police's Novela Potelwa said that two men were arrested and the other two are still at large.

by Evengelista Muza

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Life sentence for two women over murder

In the Eastern Cape, a woman and an accomplice have been sentenced to life behind bars for the murder of her husband in Peddie.

Phumlisa Deyi and Khanyisa Ncumani were sentenced in the Bhisho High Court this week for the May 2020 murder of Deyi's husband.

A third person, Siyabulela Nzelani, has received a seven-year sentence for robbery.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said that Deyi solicited the help of Ncumani to rob and kill her husband. Although motive for the murder has not been established.

Axed Absa director to bring bank to court

Fired Absa director Sipho Pityana has described his ousting as "outrageous" and "unlawful" as he prepares to mount a legal challenge against the bank's board to fight the decision.

The court challenge follows his action against the SA Reserve Bank's Prudential Authority, which he accuses of blocking his appointment as Absa chair.

He said the Absa board had given him 48 hour's notice to resign as a director on 2 November, stating that his legal action against the Prudential Authority had resulted in a misalignment of interests between his and those of the bank.

He claims that former Absa CEO Maria Ramos informed the Prudential Authority about his sexual harassment allegations from 2020 when they were considering his suitability to chair the Absa board. Absa indicated to the authority that the bank intended to nominate him as chair. 

by Everngelista Muza

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

CGE determined to know why rapist was re-elected at Mayor

The Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) said it was determined to know how a convicted child rapist was able to stand for election despite his conviction.

Icosa's Jeffrey Donson has been re-elected as the mayor of the Kannaland municipality. In 2008, he was convicted of statutory rape and the indecent assault of a 15-year-old.

The rape occurred in 2004 while he was mayor. The commission's Javu Baloyi said he wants to know why he wasn’t in the sex offender register and why was a minimum sentence not prescribed when he was sentenced.

Meanwhile, the African National Congress (ANC) in the Western Cape said that it was reviewing its coalition partnership with Icosa that resulted in Donson's appointment.

by Everngelista Muza

Man found with body parts in fridge tries to commit suicide

A Soweto man arrested by after girlfriend discovered human remains in his fridge may undergo mental observation.

The case against Flavio Hlabangwane has been postponed to 30 November for the hearing of an application for the accused to undergo mental observation. The court wants the 26-year-old's to be closely monitored this comes after he tried to comitt suicide twice.

The court further ordered that Hlabangwane be detained at the hospital section at Johannesburg Correctional Services as he may require medical attention and or special care.

The identity of the victim still remains unknown.

by Everngelista Muza

Monday, November 22, 2021

Garden route experiencing the after math of heavy rains

Heavy rains and localized flooding along the Garden Route have interrupted municipal services and resulted in school closures.

Western Cape chief of disaster management Colin Diener said eight vehicles, which contained passengers, were rescued in Denneoord in George this morning.

The streets of George and surrounding areas were heavily flooded in the wake of stormy weather.

Families were evacuated from Hope Street in George South and Merriman Road in George Central. Seven Passes Road in Saasveld is closed due to a massive sinkhole.

Power outages were reported across the town, which resulted in the closure of the George Municipality Driving Licence Testing Centre. The new housing offices were also closed, as well as the cash hall in the main building of the George municipality.

Phone lines in the municipality were also affected, with intermittent connectivity on some administrative phone lines.

The WCED has ensured all matric examinations centres are open so that Grade 12 National Senior Certificate candidates are given the opportunity to write. Contingency measures have also been made to help candidates reach examination centres.

Several Go George bus routes were closed by midday, routes were gradually being reopened.

by Everngelista Muza

Education Minster Nzimande slams DA over language policy complaint to UN

Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande said that the Afrikaans language must not be used as a means to pursue a narrow and racist Afrikaner nationalist agenda.

This comes after the Democratic Alliance (DA) laid a complaint with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) over the minister's new language policy framework.

The party is calling for UN intervention to force Nzimande and government to recognize Afrikaans, as well as the Khoi, San and Nama, languages as fully-fledged indigenous languages in its new language policy framework for higher education institutions. They have accussed the minister of discrimination.

by Everngelista Muza

Tragic death for three young boys following a car crash

A case of culpable homicide is under investigation after three boys, aged four, five and an 18 old, died when their vehicle veered off the road along Bainskloof Pass in Wellington.

Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said the driver a 60 year old woman was transported to the hospital.

He said the Bainskloof Pass road has been closed to traffic for roadworks and was only expected to open to normal traffic later this year, while only residents had access to the road.

Wilderness Search and Rescue (WSAR) spokesperson, Johan Marais, said they were alerted to the incident at about 7pm and conducted a technical rescue.

Motorists have since been advised to steer clear of the area.

by Everngelista Muza

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Cape City Run returns this Weekend

Runners from all walks of life are expected to come together this weekend as the City of Cape Town gears up to welcome thousands of athletes for the 2021 edition of the Absa Cape Town 12k CITYRUN.

The World Athletics Label road race returns to the Mother City streets for the first time since 2019. The 2020 edition of the race was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This years race expects approximately 4 000 international, national and local runners.

The Cape Town 12k CITYRUN is the third biggest race on the events calendar for Western Province Athletics and usually attracts approximately 14 000 local and international runners, but this has been reduced due to the Disaster Management Act regulations.

The race will kick off at 7am on Sunday, November 21, at Woodbridge Island, and the finish line will be marked along Lower Long Street in the CBD.

Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi

Western Cape Economy decreases over Eskom loadshedding

 The Western Cape government has stated that the Western Cape economy is set to lose about hundreds of millions of rands in the latest round of load shedding announced on Tuesday by Eskom.

Finance and Economic Opportunities MEC David Maynier said It is estimated that in 2020 load shedding cost the Western Cape’s economy R75 million per stage, per day. Meaning that this latest Stage 2 load shedding is estimated to cost the provincial economy R150 million per day.

During a press briefing earlier this week, De Ruyter spoke about the current system challenges at Eskom and said the power utility was doing everything it could to reduce load shedding, but that unplanned outages created a significant risk.

 Done by Lucille Dyosi

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Capetonians urged to cut down on non-essential water usage this weekend

The City of Cape Town’s Water and Sanitation Department has urged residents to reduce non-essential water consumption as the Faure Water Treatment Plant will be shut down.

The shut down will take place this weekend from Friday to Monday to allow for the insertion of a 2 400mm diameter bulk water pipeline.

The work forms part of the City’s 162 million Baden Powell Drive bulk water pipeline project to strengthen water supply to Khayelitsha residents.

In a statement the City said: “The new infrastructure, currently under construction, will be linked to the 2 400mm diameter pipeline to strengthen the water supply and boost water pressure in the eastern sections of Khayelitsha, which have seen rapid growth recently.”

The areas that will be affected by this work are the Cape Town Film Studios and Amazon. The Stellenbosch municipality may also be affected, considering the municipality’s drinking water is supplied from this bulk water main.

The City has requested residents in Eerste River, Strand and De Wijnlanden to store water in sealed containers for domestic use and to keep taps closed. Residents in these areas will be experiencing lower water pressure.

Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi

Department of Health Bridging the Gap in Vaccine Accessibility

The Provincial Health Department is on a journey to reaching 4 million vaccine doses by breaching the gap in vaccine accessibility ahead of the festive season and expected fourth wave of Covid-19.

The Health Department has opened a number of pop-up and in-residential vaccination sites across the province.

Provincial Health Department spokesperson Mark van der Heever said the sites are the latest adjustment with the previous adaptation of setting up such sites at shopping centre, grocery stores and at Sassa pay points.

Since the start of the vaccine rollout, the province has administered 3 910 986 vaccines with 2 023 748 people (excluding the 12-17 years) fully vaccinated.

Van der Heever said the pop-up sites are in addition to the weekly vaccination sites and information on where sites can be found is uploaded on the department’s social media platforms daily, shared among community groups and communicated through community media channels.

 Done by Lucille Dyosi


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Stage 2 Powercuts implemented from this Afternoon

Eskom has implemented stage two rolling blackouts from 2pm this afternoon until Saturday.

Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter has given an update on the country's fragile power system as the utility continues to battle breakdowns.

De Ruyter has said the Power Utility has insufficient generation capacity at their disposal and they have no alternative but to implement stage two load shedding from 2pm this afternoon until 5am on Saturday morning, the 20th of November

On Tuesday, five units at their aging and inefficient power plants went offline.

De Ruyter said they were also dealing with two boiler tube leaks at the Kusile and Medupi plants.

The Power Utility is urging all residents to reduce the demand on electricity when they have it.


Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Residents urged to use water sparingly

The Western Cape government has urged residents to continue using water sparingly even though major dam levels are high after good winter rains.

The average dam levels for the province stand at 81%.

Local Government Spokesperson, James-Brent Styan says the dams feeding the City of Cape Town are now 98% full. The Clanwilliam Dam is at 99% and Theewaterskloof at 100%

He said they are very grateful that they’ve had two good seasons of good rainfall. And are fortunate to be heading into the holiday season with the major dams quite full.

He added This doesn’t mean that they can get complacent, so they continue to urge consumers and the public to use water sparingly. As It is a scarce resource that will remain under pressure moving forward


Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi


Monday, November 15, 2021

54 hour Water restrictions in Gauteng


The Gauteng Department of Health have said they remain on high alert following a notice of planned water interruptions due to maintenance by Rand Water which began this morning. The water interruptions are expected to last for a period of 54-hours.

Supply is affected in parts of Soweto, the Joburg CBD, Randburg, Roodepoort and Southdale.

According to Rand Water, this is due to the B19 pipeline augmentation project that has been postponed for over a year now and work can no longer be put off.

Gauteng Health Spokesperson, Kwara Kekana says the Department has made contingency plans to ensure healthcare services are uninterrupted.

And that together with Joburg Water they have put some contingency plans in place to ensure health facilities in the municipal area are not adversely affected by the planned water interruptions .

 Water tankers and mobile toilets have been deployed by Joburg Water in various health facilities such as Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Bheki Mlangeni District Hospital and Helen Joseph Hospital amongst others

Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi

Friday, November 12, 2021

Blood donors needed for type 0 as SANBS runs out of stock

The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is calling on Group O and other donors to donate blood, this call comes amid declining blood stocks.

According to the SANBS, students comprise a large proportion of the national blood donor base. However, blood stocks have been negatively affected due to the examination period.

SANBS's Siemi Raj said blood drives at university campuses and schools yielded about 40% of the blood collected annually and, while systems were in place to minimise the effects of shortages experienced during exams, blood collections had been low in the past few months. In addition, there had been more pressure added on supply because the use of blood products in hospitals had increased over the last month.

The SANBS indicated that it planned various blood drives across the country, with extended hours and over the weekend, to improve the supply of blood during this period. However, the demand can only be met with the help of regular and committed blood donors

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Four arrested for murder of a school teacher

Four people have been arrested in connection with the killing of a 53-year-old teacher on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast.

According to police, Tholakele Cynthia Shelembe was found on Sunday in her home with strangulation marks on her neck and an open wound on her forehead.

She was declared dead on the scene and two vehicles were reported to be stolen.

Police spokesperson Colonel Thembeka Mbele said a case of murder and robbery was opened. She said suspects between the ages from 18 and 36 for murder and theft of motor vehicles. They are to make their first court appearance on Thursday.


by Everngelista Muza

Western Cape IEC authorise recounts in 12 voting districts

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) in Western Cape has authorised a recount in 12 of the 24 voting districts identified by the Cape Independence Party.

According to the commission there were sufficient particulars provided to support the need for an investigation.

This is in light of the police investigating a case of corruption against the IEC in the province after the EFF claimed it succeeded in two wards in the Cape metro before their votes were stolen during the Local Government Elections.

Mbulelo Dwane, who was EFF's councillor candidate in Ward 18 Site C, Khayelitsha, lodged the complaint after he allegedly noticed that the signatures on the voting result slips were not those of the party agents.

Dwane said he disputed the results captured by IEC Officials after the presiding officers of IEC allegedly refused their party agencies to take pictures of the results slips although it was permitted.

By Everngelista Muza

City denies not complying to Eskoms intructions

The City of Cape Town has denied accusations by Eskom that it is one of the municipalities across the country that don’t comply with Eskom's load-shedding instructions.

In a statement, the City said protection of its customers has no impact on the national Eskom grid. The City offers protection to its customers by implementing a stage lower than that of Eskom

Eskom said some municipalities have not been implementing rolling blackouts and this has contributed to the power utility moving to Stage 4 power cuts. Eskom chief executive Andre de Ruyter said letters had been drafted to all the affected municipalities to correct the situation with all future blackout scenarios which may occur.

Eskom CEO André de Ruyter has urged South Africans to play their part in reducing the risk of load shedding and the severity of it when it cannot be avoided

Meanwhile Eskom announced today that Stage 2 would be implemented from midday and that power cuts would end tomorrow at 5am.

by Everngelista Muza

FW de klerk has passed at age 85 and leaves an apology as a last message

FW de Klerk, the last president of apartheid South Africa and a key factor in the country's transition to democracy, has died.

He was head of state between September 1989 and May 1994.  In 1990 he announced he was releasing anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela, leading to multi-party polls in 1994.

The FW de Klerk Foundation's spokesperson Dave Steward confirmed his death saying the 85 year old man had been battling with cancer before his death this morning. The foundation shared a video of a frail De Klerk described as his "last message to the people of South Africa.

 “I, without qualification, apologise for the pain, hurt, indignity and the damage that apartheid has done to black, brown and Indians in South Africa”, he said

He shared that his views on apartheid had changed significantly since the 1980’s. He said he was apologising, not only in his capacity as former National Party leader, but also as an individual.

Mr de Klerk leaves a legacy that will continue to be debated, contested and defended. Last year, he became embroiled in a row in which he was accused of downplaying the seriousness of apartheid which he apologised for "quibbling the matter.

by Everngelista Muza

Moti brothers reunited with parents

The four Moti brothers aged seven, 11, 13 and 15, kidnapped in Limpopo three weeks ago, have been reunited with their parents.

Zidan, Zayyad, Alaan and Zia Moti were abducted, allegedly by seven gunmen, while being driven from their home in Polokwane’s Nirvana suburb to the nearby Curro Heuwelkruin School.

Police in Vuwani received a call from a local resident alerting officers that the children arrived at their house on Wednesday night, saying they were dropped off on a nearby road.

‘’Police arranged a doctor who confirmed that the children are in good health before they were handed over to their parents. The children also appeared to be in high spirits during the reunion with their parents,’’ said the police’s Vish Naidoo.

‘’The children have not yet been interviewed but today investigators will arrange for the SAPS psychologists to assist with that.  The investigation into the case of kidnapping is still continuing and we are appealing to anyone who can assist with information that will help bring the kidnappers to book are asked to please contact the police,’’ Naidoo added


Done By: Mitchum George

Five people lives lost in fire while two others currently in hospital

A Pretoria West man rescued a mother and her child from the flames that engulfed their home in Kirkney on Wednesday morning but was too late to save five other victims.

A 49 year old woman was unharmed while her three-year-old child was treated for smoke inhalation

Their Neighbour Nkone Motaung was said he ahd to use an axe to gain access to the house and tried to save the family. However he was unable to save five other among the deceased a six-year-old boy. According to police it’s not yet clear what caused the tragedy.


by Everngelista Muza

Eskoms CEO remains optimistic loadshedding will not remain until next week

Eskom CEO Andre De Ruyter says he remains cautiously optimistic that the blackouts will not continue next week. He said they are in the process of procuring additional diesel to fuel emergency reserves.

The power utility has currently reduced loadshedding from stage 4 to stage 3.

Meanwhile the City of Cape Town customers will be facing Stage 2 load shedding through most of the day. Thereafter Stage 2 will be implemented from 5am on Friday morning until load shedding is lifted on Saturday.

by Everngelista Muza

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Mthokozisi Ntumba murder Trial to start in January

The date for the trial of four police officers accused of the murder of Mthokozisi Ntumba - a bystander who was shot dead during a Wits student protest in Braamfontein in March this year has been set for 7th January 2022,  and the officers intend to plead not guilty.

Lawyers representing Tshephisho Kekana, 27, Cidraas Motseothatha, 43, Madimetja Legodi, 37, and Victor Mohammed, 51, informed the court on Wednesday that their clients intended to plead not guilty. They face a murder charge and three counts of attempted murder.

 Acting Judge William Karam concluded pre-trial proceedings in the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg on Wednesday morning.

The four men stood in the dock with their faces covered in cloth masks as their defence lawyers confirmed they were ready for the trial. Pre-trial proceedings were previously postponed in the matter to allow the parties to meet and agree on certain admissions, News24 previously reported.

On Wednesday, however, the lawyers said their clients would not make formal admissions at this stage. They also indicated that they had consulted with their clients and had received full instructions ahead of the trial.

Done By: Yandisa Qwabe. 

Bananas safe to eat, says DALRRD

The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has asked the public to refrain from spreading misinformation about Bananas that containing helicobacter imported from Somalia.

Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) is a type of bacteria which can enter the body and live in the digestive tract. After many years, they can cause sores in the lining of the stomach or the upper part of the small intestine. For some people, an infection can lead to stomach cancer.

The department says there is no banana importation that recently took place through any of their ports of entry from Somalia.

 “If the consignment does not comply with South African import requirements, entry into the Republic is not granted. Imported bananas are carefully examined by the DALRRD inspectors at the ports of entry, to ensure that there are no quarantine pests, food-borne diseases, or any other harmful foreign material that can negatively affect the agricultural environment/ industry and, in particular, consumers,” the department said in a statement.

‘’We urge all the citizens to refrain from sharing such false and malicious information that can create panic for consumers,” they concluded.

PICTURE: Open Food Facts


Done By: Mitchum George

Political parties to remove election posters and banners by Tuesday

The City of Cape Town has granted political parties an additional five days for the removal of their election posters and banners.

Normally, election posters must be removed within 10 days after the election, however, the municipality has decided to grant parties an additional five days to comply and to avoid being penalised.

Failure to remove posters and banners by midnight on Tuesday, 16 November, means that the City will have no choice but to fine political party’s R128 per poster.  The string or plastic fasteners must be removed as well.


Done By: Mitchum George


Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Power cuts cause of concern for matrics results

Teachers and learners have raised concerns that Eskom’s blackouts will negatively affect the results of this year’s matric exams as learners are currently writing exams.

This come after Eskom implemented stage four load-shedding which will continue until Friday. Thereafter Stage 2 load shedding will be implemented until 05:00 on Saturday morning.

Students said the power cuts are making it difficult to prepare for exams, especially since the blackouts happen during peak hours when they are trying to read and prepare.

Businesses have also been seriously affected with the Black Business Council describing Eskom management as completely overwhelming.

It has since called for the power utility’s CEO and the Board to step down. With the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on education the students say the power outages are worsening their situation.


Everngelista Muza

Manenberg Police investigating murder case of 49 year man found shot in the head

Manenberg police are investigating a murder after the body of a man was found close to Primrose Park on Monday.

The body of 49 year old Eugene Wyngaard, was discovered by a passer-by close to close to the school. When police arrived on the scene, they found that the victim had sustained a gunshot wound to the head. A murder case docket was opened for investigation.

According to police this was the second murder to take place within a space of hours after a 29-year-old man was shot and killed in Oliver Tambo Drive in Manenberg on Sunday night.

An activist against crime and violence in the Western Cape, Roegshanda Pascoe, this was a recurring issue and it spoke volumes on the safety and security in the areas.

by Everngelista Muza

High rise in dying seals as avian flu in birds die down

There has been a high number of sick and dying seals. This comes after the Cape's ongoing avian flu outbreak that saw over 18,000 dead birds recovered since October, mostly Cape Cormorants.

The Western Cape's Environmental Affairs Department said the number of dying birds is slowly declining Department spokesperson James Brent-Styan said there have been no further reports of the virus spreading inland.

He said they were waiting to hear from the national veterinary on the possibly cause of the dying seals.

We are concerned about the abnormally high number of animals which appear to be dying and we are committed to finding out why,” he said.

The public is urged to report any dying or sick birds and seals to the SPCA or local veterinarians.

by Everngelista Muza

Former North West MEC, and former Department of Health HOD acquitted of R8m fraud charges

 Former North West Finance, Economy and Enterprise Development MEC, Wendy Nelson and former health department HOD, Andrew Lekalakala, have been acquitted on R8 million fraud charges relating to the latter's appointment. 

The State alleged that Nelson had irregularly appointed Lekalakala to the position of superintendent-general in the province's health department.

Nelson was chairing the panel during Lekalakala's interview and allegedly recommended him for the post despite knowing that he had made misrepresentations on the Z83 job application form. 

The alleged fraud which was calculated at R8 million, was remuneration for his position as superintendent-general. 

The two appeared in the North West High Court on Tuesday, where they were found not guilty. National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Henry Mamothame welcomed the judgment.  saying they would study it.

"We welcome the judgment, but we will study it to see if the judge did not err in it. We will study it to see if we can find areas of concern before we make a decision on whether we will apply for leave to appeal," Mamothame said. 

Done By: Yandisa Qwabe

Ehailing drivers in Cape Town expected to down keys this week

E-hailing taxi drivers in Cape Town are expected to down keys this week in demand of a bigger cut.

This comes after drivers working for Uber and Bolt apps say fare prices had dropped, but their percentage cut had remained the same, effectively resulting in lower earnings.

The apps charge commission of between 20% and 30% which drivers want it lowered to 13%.

Drivers using both Uber and Bolt said they had been excluded from fare decisions and new pricing was costing them.

"They are exploiting us, especially Uber and Bolt. Uber reduced the price of the rides three days ago without informing the drivers but they are still taking 25%," said one driver.

Drivers added that the recent petrol price hikes are also costing them income.

"Petrol is at an all-time high. This year it has gone up like three times already, but Uber did not increase the price. On the contrary, they reduced the prices of the rides. The driver has to fork out the money because they [Uber] are greedy and they are abusing drivers."

Done by Lucille Dyosi

Monday, November 08, 2021

City of Cape town stage 3 loadshedding

Eskom implemented stage 4 power cuts today through to 5am on Friday. Stage 2 power cuts would then be implemented until further notice.

The power utility this morning warned that it could escalate the rolling power cuts should the situation worsen throughout the week. Stage 4 power cuts mean that citizens are subjected to three bouts of power cuts in a 24-hour period.

The utility has attributed the new bout of load shedding to ongoing insufficient generation capacity and the inability to replenish emergency reserves over this past weekend. If you are city of Cape Town supplied customer only stage 3 load shedding will be implemented.

by Everngelista Muza

Mystery surrounding death of three childfren who died after eating noodles

Police are investigating the death of three children following alleged food poisoning.

According to Police Spokesperson Priscilla Naidu this comes after the children are reported to have died not long after eating noodles.

The children aged four months as well as seven and 11 years had accompanied their grandparents on a visit to relatives in New Brighton when the incident happened.

Naidu says when the children started complaining of stomach cramps and feeling nausea there grandmother decided to take them to the clinic, however on route to the Motherwell clinic the Childress passed away

A post mortem will be conducted to establish the exact cause of their deaths.

by Everngelista Muza

Latest Covid – 19 data in the past 24 hours

On the latest COVID-19 figures, 205 tests came back positive over the past 24-hour reporting cycle while 13 deaths were also recorded over that timeframe.

These latest fatalities take our known death toll since the start of the pandemic to 89,332.

Government is trying to ensure that at least 30 million people are fully vaccinated by the end of next month and so far, just over 23 million doses have been administered in the country.

Done by Lucille Dyosi

Saturday, November 06, 2021

City allocates more money on illegal dumping

The City of Cape Town says it is will allocate a further R3.9 million to clear illegal dumping hot spots in Dunoon, Wolwerivier and Witsands.

As part of its Rapid Response Programme, to tackle the thousands of chronic illegal dumping hotspots across Cape Town, the municipality says 26 EPWP workers and three supervisors will be employed as part of this service.

‘’Illegal dumping has been identified as one of the City’s biggest chronic challenges, and an additional R200 million has been allocated to tackling the issue this year, bringing the total budget to over R300 million,’’ said City Manager, Lungelo Mbandazayo.

‘’Although these extra resources will assist with maintaining general cleanliness, behaviour change is still the key to addressing illegal dumping. Residents need to call each other out when they see or hear of this practise taking place, and let others know that it won’t be tolerated by the broader community,’’ Mbandazyo added.

The City manager made an appeal to Capetonians not to resort to illegal dumping.

‘’While many people support the City’s efforts to eradicate illegal dumping and this must be acknowledged, many continue the trend of dumping illegally. We must create a healthy and safe environment to live and thrive as we all endeavour to live a lifestyle that is conducive to a clean environment,’’ said Mbandazayo.

Any person found to be dumping illegally is issued with a Section 56 written notice, which carries a fine of up to R5 000 and the dumper may have his or her vehicle impounded. Impounded vehicles are also subject to a release fee of R8 426 for the first impoundment, and this escalates thereafter.



Done By: Mitchum George

4 dead after taxi overtake truck on N1 near Worcester

Four people have died following an accident that occurred on Friday afternoon in Kantevlei, 20km outside of Worcester.

It’s understood a taxi overtook a truck that was in the same lane and attempted to get back into the lane when another truck was approaching from the opposite direction.

‘’Unfortunately, the taxi drove into the side of the truck whilst attempting to get back into the left lane (in the Direction of De Doorns from Worcester),’’ says EMS’ Deanna February.

February says one patient is in a critical condition at Tygerberg Hospital.

‘’Twelve patients were transported to Worcester Provincial Hospital. Of the twelve patients, seven sustained minor injuries and five were seriously injured.’’



Done By: Mitchum George

Two Eskom employees released on bail for fuel oil theft; more arrests to be made

Two Eskom employees at the Tutuka power station appeared in the Standerton magistrate’s court on Friday for the theft of about R100 million worth of fuel oil per month from the parastatal.

A supplier who is also a suspect in the case was arrested on Friday.

‘’All three suspects were charged with fraud, theft and corruption in a crime in which hundreds of millions of rands in goods and services have been paid by Eskom when such have not been delivered or rendered at the Power Station. The arrests followed months of internal investigative work by Eskom, in cooperation with the law enforcement agencies in Mpumalanga,’’ said Eskom in a statement.

The suspects, Jessie Phindile Kubeka, who is 51% shareholder in a supplier company; Eskom employees Sarah Nomsa Sibiya (Senior Technician Operating) and Bhekizizwe Solomon Twala (Senior Storeperson), are all facing the same charges. They were released on bail of R5 000 each.

The trial has been set to down for 21 February 2022.

It is anticipated that four other suspects involved in the same scheme are expected to be arrested during the course of next week. Further, warrants of arrest are being prepared concerning other suspects in the fuel oil syndicate.

“Eskom, and Tutuka power station in particular, continues to be the scene of the most despicable of crimes perpetrated by some of the very people tasked with the stewardship of this public institution and by unscrupulous suppliers,” said Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter. “Whilst these investigations take a long time to come to fruition, the wins whereby arrests are made and criminals are brought to answer for their unlawful conduct, goes a long way towards making a positive contribution to the rebuilding of the organisation.”

While the management team and Board are currently seized with the restoration of operations across Eskom, they have also been dismantling well established crime syndicates that are profiting from the problems that are costing the whole country dearly.

  Picture: Eskom

Done By: Mitchum George

Three shot and killed in Delft

Delft detectives are probing a triple murder case, after three men were shot and killed in the area on Friday morning.

The police’s Novela Potelwa said that the incident occurred on the corner of Sandelhout and Delft Main roads, when unknown suspects opened fire on the deceased persons, who are believed to be from Crossroads, aged between 30 and 44.

‘’Two persons who sustained gunshot wounds died in the street as they were fleeing the gunmen and the third one who was in the vehicle also succumbed after being shot in the head.’’

‘’The names of the deceased persons who are believed were from Crossroads will be released once their next of kin have been informed. The estimated ages of the victims are between 30 and 44 years. The motive for the shooting incident is yet to be determined as the investigation continues,’’ added Potelwa.

Anyone with information on the incident that could assist the police probe is urged to contact police on Crime Stop 08600 10111.


Done By: Mitchum George

Friday, November 05, 2021

No permit, no fireworks

 The 5th of November is Guy Fawkes day.  Guy Fawkes day is celebrated all around the world, but for Western Cape citizens, it is going to be a bit different as the city has advised that anyone who wishes to discharge fireworks should apply for a permit.

The City of Cape Town appeals to residents to refrain from the destructive behaviour that has become synonymous with Guy Fawkes.

Last year, the Public Emergency Communication Centre recorded 238 calls about the illegal discharge of fireworks, and 17 about the illegal sale of fireworks.The highest number of calls were received from Beacon Valley, Lentegeur and Bonteheuwel.

Numerous incidents went viral on social media, of adults and elderly persons being chased, threatened and assaulted by mobs of youngsters, brandishing socks filled with paint, shoe polish, but also sharp objects designed to cause harm.

In recent years, there have also been increasing reports of vehicles being stoned as they pass through some suburbs.

With Guy Fawkes falling on a Friday this year, it increases the risk that the criminality will spill over into the weekend. The City’s enforcement services will increase its patrols on the day in a bid to curb lawlessness.

“Many residents, especially pet owners, oppose the use of fireworks and animal welfare organisations have their hands full on these nights. Residents are reminded that only national government has the authority to ban fireworks,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security, Alderman JP Smith. 

Done By: Yandisa Qwabe

Eskom implements Stage 2 load shedding

Eskom has announced that it will implement Stage 2 load shedding from 11am on Friday.

The power utility said the latest rolling blackouts were caused by different issues at its power stations.

"A unit at Lethabo and Majuba were delayed in returning to service. A unit at Tutuka tripped. Three Kendal units were taken off and it is anticipated that the fourth and remaining unit will also be shut down. The conveyor belts supplying these units are currently not running due to a power fault. No coal is reaching the station at this point," the parastatal said.

Eskom said the load shedding would last into the weekend.

"We unfortunately do expect the load shedding stage to escalate into the weekend but this can only be confirmed once we have a better understanding of these problems and when it is likely to be resolved.

Good news if your electricity is supplied by the City of Cape Town. The municipality said that it will only implement rolling blackouts from 18:00 with Stage 1. It will then move a stage higher from 10p.m.



Done By: Mitchum George

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Malema says the EFF has achieved its election goal and is celebrating ANC’s downfall

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema said that they are celebrating the fact that the African National Congress (ANC) had fallen below 50% support, saying that those abusing power were finally being brought to account.

The ANC is sitting on 45.6% nationally, with the EFF just over 10%. Malema has been reflecting on the elections, saying that they had achieved their goal.

"Whether it's the EFF, whether it's the DA or another one who reduces the ANC majority to humble them, then we are happy because what is the strategic objective? The strategic objective is that the ruling party of thieves and gangsters that have turned against black people must get out of power." Said Malema.

Done by Yandisa Qwabe

ANC needs Cosatu and SACP to survive, says Blade Nzimande

SACP leader Blade Nzimande has warned that there were a number of factors that led to low voter turnout. He said factors contributing to the decline in voter turnout include internal divisions within the ANC, factional conduct, and situations where alliance partners were marginalised.

The ANC has again claimed victory as the governing party in the country, but a decline in voter turnout and the ruling party’s support has seen voters turning to either opposition parties or not participating in voting due to a lack of confidence within the party.

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), will make the official announcement on the results this evening.

Nationally, 97% of the voting has been captured. In 2016, the ANC led the pack with 53.91%. Current figures show that the party has obtained 45.94%.

Nzimande said the SACP would conduct a detailed assessment of the results and develop the way forward. “Problems within our broad movement, such as internal divisions and counter-campaigning of the ANC, factional conduct, and situations where Alliance partners were marginalised, resulting in divided communities and a failure to provide quality services,” Nzimande said.

Done by: Yandisa Qwabe 

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Magashule, Sodi say testimony from Zondo Commission cannot be used in their R255m corruption case

Suspended ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule and controversial businessman Edwin Sodi are set to challenge the admissibility of testimony before the State Capture Inquiry being used in their R255 million Free State asbestos corruption case.

Magashule, Sodi, former Mangaung mayor Olly Mlamleli, former human settlements head of department Nthimotse Mokhesi and others appeared in the Free State High Court in Bloemfontein on Wednesday. 

Advocate Laurance Hodes, for Magashule and Sodi, previously told the court that Sodi was compelled to testify before the commission about the asbestos tender and that it was made clear that the testimony could not be used against him in a criminal trial. 

The arguments will relate to the admissibility of the testimony as Sodi was compelled to testify, which eviscerated his right to silence. 

The defence team for Magashule and Sodi contend that the evidence on which their clients would be prosecuted emanated almost entirely from the testimony before the commission.

Prosecutor Johan de Nysschen previously said the case was not based on evidence led at the commission, but that the testimony was nice to have. 

Done By: Yandisa Qwabe 

Temporary mobile police station for Khayelistha residents in Makhaza

Khayelistha has finally been provided with a mobile police station after years of campaigning in Makhaza.

Residents previously had to walk long distances to the nearest station in Harare. Ward councillor Danile Khatshwa, who has also been campaigning for a police station in Makhaza, said the mobile station would only provide document certification or the registration of complaints and opening of dockets.

Police spokesperson Brigadier Novela Potelwa said this was a temporary measurement to bring policing services to the community while plans for a permanent police station is underway.

Potelwa said that by the end of November 2021, ten more police vehicles would have been assigned to the area.

by Evengelista Muza

WC electoral commission accused of lying election went on without challanges

The Western Cape Electoral Commission (IEC) has been accused by the Land Party of fooling people by saying that voting progressed without major challenges.

Vanessa Swanepoel, head of elections for the Land Party, said there was “nothing free or fair about the elections whatsoever”. She said the Party was outraged at the lack of communication with parties and citizens.

Good Party secretary-general Brett Herron said there appeared to be more IEC system errors this time than in previous elections.

IEC provincial head Michael Hendrickse said the voter management device was also dependent on bandwidth, sometimes it dropped, fluctuated and caused the system to slow down. The IEC was said to be of great concern as the system it used seemed to be unstable and thousands of voters stood for hours in the cold and wet weather.

by Everngelista Muza

Man arrested for drugs worth R2 million in Cape town

A 53-year-old man was arrested by Western Cape police after they confiscated drugs worth more than R2 million in a weekend drug bust.

Officers from the provincial traffic department, deployed near Laingsburg, spotted a suspicious-looking truck travelling toward Cape Town on Sunday at about 23:00.

According to police spokesperson Captain Malcolm Pojie after a vehicle search they discovered two bags of dagga weighing about 60.2kg as well as 39 000 mandrax tablets that were concealed in plastic bags.

He further stated they were suspected to be destined for distribution in the province.

The man is scheduled to appear in the Laingsburg Magistrate's Court on Wednesday on charges of dealing in drugs.

by Danielle Mentoor

Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...