Monday, March 02, 2009

56 arrests in Guguletu over the weekend

By Mikhaila Crowie
2 March 2009

Police in Guguletu took charge of the streets this weekend as a total of 56 suspects were arrested.

Quite a number of operations took place in the area over the weekend such as stop and search, road blocks and closing of Shebeens.

Captain Elliot Sinyangana, said some of the arrest were common robberies, assaults, possession of dangerous weapons, pointing of fire arm, possession of unlicensed fire arm and series of arrests for possession of dagga.

On Saturday police reacted on information about possession of fire arm. The police recovered the fire arm concealed in the roof.

The 22 year-old was immediately arrested for being in possession of unlicensed fire arm and ammunition.

Those arrested for less serious crimes will appear in the Guguletu Community court, whilst those arrested for serious crimes will appear in the Athlone Magistrate court.

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