Friday, August 07, 2009

Committee hold meeting on strategic planning

By Ofentse Mokae
07 August 2009

Parliament’s portfolio committee on Higher Education and training held a two day strategic planning workshop.

The workshop which focused on state organs dealing with education in the country how the committee could strengthen its oversight role also looked in the restructuring of the education department.

The department was divided into Basic education as well as Higher Education and training when the new administration came after the 2009 general election.

In a media statement chairperson for the community Marius Fransman said the committee identified that there is an urgent need to train and skill people who are outside the schooling system.

“During these two days, Members looked at various skills retention mechanisms that will curb the continuation of the exodus of skills from South Africa,” said Fransman.

Fransman added that committee members also saw the need to ensure that there is value for money in the country’s education system, and that quality education is accessible to all people in South Africa.

He concluded that the Committee will work with, and ask the Executive (government) to speed up policy and other interventions as soon as possible to optimally use its money and to strive for excellence.

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