Friday, August 06, 2010

Public services will strike next week

Lusanda Bill
6 August 2010

Cosatu and public sector unions meet with the South African government last night in a crucial meeting to try and reach a wage agreement and prevent a crippling strike in the public service.

In the meeting Public Service and Administration Minister Richard Baloyi made a new offer of a 7 percent increase across the board and a R630 monthly housing allowance.

This offer was not good enough for Cosatu and the public sector unions, because they demanded an 8.6 percent wage increase and a R1000 housing allowance.

They rejected the new offer made by Richard Baloyi.

On Tuesday next week around about 50 000 public servants in the Western Cape will join unions across the country in a full blown wage strike.

The strike won’t have an effect on services like emergency medical care, police and prisons, but teachers and most state employees will be on strike.

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