Monday, January 20, 2014

Six people killed in an accident in Kwazulu Natal

Mluleki Mrwebi
20 January 2014

Six people were tragically killed in an accident in KwaZulu Natal on Sunday night. 

It is believed that two vehicles collided into each other and rolled several times before coming to a halt. 

ER24 Spokesperson Russel Meiring said upon inspection of the scene ER24 paramedics found that some of the patients had been ejected from one of the vehicles while four of the deceased remained entrapped in one of the vehicles.  

The exact details of the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

In another accident seventeen people were left injured in a taxi accident in Ispingo along the M35 this morning.

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said it appears that the taxi rolled down an embankment and in the process seventeen people were injured.

The exact details to the cause of the accident is not known at this stage but police will be invetsigating the cause of the accident. 

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