Monday, October 22, 2007

28 Chinese universities on show at UWC

By Celeste Ganga
22 October 2007

The University of the Western Cape plays host to 28 universities from China, who will be exhibiting their academic offerings and developing trends in Chinese higher education at an exhibition in the UWC Main Hall on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd October. The event is supported by the South African government, the Chinese Embassy and Consulate-General, and the Chinese Scholarship Council.

The 28 universities taking part in the exhibition at UWC, were selected by the Chinese Scholarship Council from an enormous number of institutions that admit international students.

Included in this enormous number are comprehensive universities, universities of science and technology as well as medical universities. All staff at these various institutions are highly –qualified in research and teaching personnel. They have a rich experience of teaching international students as well.

Schools and other learning institutions are invited to visit the exhibition, and in this way they can consult with the many high-level representatives of the Chinese universities.

For more information on the exhibition contact Yolande Ketse at the UWC International Relations Office on 021 959 2487, fax 021 959 2655 or email at

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