Thursday, August 06, 2009

Six hijacked at gunpoint

By Ofentse Mokae
6 August 2009

A Mitchell’s Plain resident was hijacked in Electra Street last night while picking up staff members for work.

While waiting for the workers, the driver and five other passengers were approached by two men.

The driver was then instructed to get out of the vehicle and the passengers were robbed of their cellphones at gunpoint.

The owner of the vehicle and the passengers were then driven to Harare, where a third suspect awaited them.

Before fleeing the scene, the suspect proceeded to remove the vehicles tracking device.

The other two suspects then forced the victims out of the vehicle and sped off.

The vehicle has not yet been recovered.

Anyone with information about the matter is asked to contact the Investigating Officer Detective Inspector Jerome Malan of Mitchell Plain SAPS at 021 3701706.

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