Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sanef to challenge 'threats to media freedom'

Lusanda Bill
10 August 2010

The South African National Editors’ Forum (Sanef) invited editors and journalists in the Western Cape region, to an open house discussion on the proposed Media Tribunal and the Protection of Information Bill, and the threats to media freedom.

Western Cape Convenor for Sanef, Gasant Abarder said in an interview after the discussion, that the “Protection of Information Bill will be problematic not only for journalists but for ordinary citizens who want to access information”.

Gaye Davis, who is the Secretary General of Sanef, stated that if the “Protection of Information Bill is passed in its current form; it will mean a bad thing for the country”.

The South African National Editors’ Forum is against the Protection of Information Bill in its current form, and Sanef believes the proposed Media Tribunal will be a threat to media freedom.

In the open discussion all the people who were present were on the same page, in that more needs to be done by the media to educate the general public on the Bill, and the implication it will have on them accessing information if the Bill is passed.

Another point was that journalists needed to bring forth the message that we are against the Bill.

Several suggestions were brought forward like having media organisations and the public to be involved in a signature campaign or a march if it comes to that.

The general feeling at the end of the discussion was to get the public involved, in understanding the Bill and what it will mean for them as citizens of the country.

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