Wednesday, September 12, 2007

City sells Khayelitsha land for 1200 houses

By Marthe van der Wolf and Ilhaam Hoosain
11 September 2007

The City of Cape Town is to sell 25ha of land to a Khayelitsha Business District housing initiative for the development of 1200 houses.

The land will be sold for R100 000 per hectare. It is situated between Spine Road, Walter Sisulu and Govan Mbeki Drives.

KBD housing is a development company which is approved by the City for the development of Kayelitsha Central Business District. To ensure the interests of the community, a trust was established called Khayelitsha Community Trust (KCT).

With the development, a business district with retail, industrial, municipal, office components and facilities for the use of the community, should uplift Khayelitsha. In 2008 the construction of a 230 bed district hospital will start.

“Money from the land sale will be used for more housing developments,” says Counsellor Simon Grindod of the Committee Member for Economic and Social Development. “The Kayelitsha Business District eventually has to have easy acces to commercial, institutional and recreational opportunities close to their homes.”

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