Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Basic education department and Umalusi meeting underway

By Ofentse Mokae
05 January 2010

The meeting between Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga together with Mpumalanga Education MEC and Umalusi officials is underway in Pretoria today.

The meeting is aimed at discussing the delay in the release of Mpumalanga’s matric results.

The quality control body announced that matriculants from Mpumalanga will not be receiving their marks on Thursday along with the rest of the country.

The decision was made after five matric papers were leaked in the province.

Motshekga’s spokesperson Hope Mokgatlhe says the minister received the news with disappointment from Umalusi.

“The minister accepted the news with disappointment because she thinks not every learner in Mpumalanga was involved in the irregularities,” Mokgatlhe said.

Mokgatlhe however says the minister accepts that Umalusi must do their job of quality assurance and to ensure the intergrity of the examinations stays intact.

She adds that at present their department is working with Umalusi in their investigations and they are confident that the learners might receive their results by Friday or the latest on Monday.

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