Friday, February 19, 2010

IFP lashes out at Sexwale

By Khanyisa Tabata
18 February 2010

The Inkatha Freedom Party has condemned the ANC for what it calls hostile comments on its internal affairs.

This follows comments by Minister of Housing and Human Settlements, Tokyo Sexwale, that the IFP was treating its national chairperson badly.

IFP MP Koos van der Merwe says the IFP didn't comment on Zuma's personal affairs and expects the same treatment from the ANC.

“Sexwale criticised the IFP this time for wrongly dealing with its chairperson of which we don’t understand because this is personal to us.

“We have never criticized Zuma for his personal behaviour and we have never criticized Male for his comments so we don’t understand why Sexwale is doing this said Koos van der Merwe.

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