Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pasma condemns campus closures

Mluleki Mrwebi
21 August 2012

The Pan Africanist Students Movement of Azania has strongly condemned the closure of the Tshwane University of Technology campuses due to the student protests.

Pasma has called the Minister of Higher Education and Training Dr Blade Nzimande to intervene before the situation becomes like the Marikana mine situation.

Pasma Secretary General Lerato Lephatsa said that the Minister must not send the Deputy Minister at TUT instead he should be the one dealing with the students and the university management.

Lephatsa further said the strike at the TUT has been going on for weeks and the students are fighting for their rights,just like the miners at the Lonmin Marikana`s Platinum mine.

He urged all other students from other institutions join in the protest in solidarity with the TUT students.

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