Monday, July 22, 2019

Mr. Delivery delivering sexual assault?

A Mr Delivery driver, 43 who was accused of raping a Cape Townian woman in her home has been fired and handed over to the police, the company confirmed on Tuesday, the 9th July.

It was reported that the incident allegedly happened last week Friday as the driver was delivering supper to the woman’s home in the late evening.  The 26 year old woman had ordered from Spur that evening, and while attempting to pay the delivery guy, he pushed her to the ground and raped her. The man then fled the scene following the incident states reports.

Mr Delivery food initially confirmed that the driver has been suspended but was yet to be arrested but they confirmed the arrest on Tuesday as well as the termination of the driver’s contract and that they had handed him over to the police.

By: Aneeqa du Plessis

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