Saturday, August 31, 2019

UCT's next chancellor will be Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe

At the end of Women’s month, it is fitting that the University of Cape Town announced that Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe has been duly elected as the next chancellor of the university, a position that she will take up from 1 January 2020.

Dr Moloi-Motsepe takes the reins from Mrs Graça Machel, who was originally elected in 1999. Mrs Machel’s second term will come to an end at the beginning of 2020. The chancellor is elected for a 10-year term. Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe was elected by an Electoral College consisting of holders of UCT academic, PASS (professional, administrative support and service) and qualifications staff, and students on Friday, 30 August.

Mr Sipho Pityana, UCT’s chair of council, after making the announcement commented: “The University is privileged to have Dr Moloi-Motsepe aid as the chancellor of one of the leading institutions in the country and on the African continent. On behalf of UCT, he would like to thank the outgoing chancellor, Mrs Graça Machel for serving the university with remarkable distinction and great commitment for two 10-year terms, which spanned complex moments and incredible milestones.”

Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe is a businesswoman and philanthropist who began her career in medicine at the Wits University. She worked in numerous public hospitals in South Africa as well as at the Medical College of Virginia in the United States. Together with her husband, Dr Patrice Motsepe, she started the Motsepe Foundation in 1999, and in 2013 they are known for being the first couple from Africa to join The Giving Pledge.

The chancellor is the titular head of the university and presides at graduation ceremonies, confers degrees, and awards diplomas and certificates in the name of the university. The role of chancellor requires an individual of stature with exceptional personal qualities and integrity. Dr Moloi-Motsepe holds an MBBCh and a diploma in child health from Wits, as well as a diploma in women’s health from Stellenbosch University. Dr Moloi-Motsepe authored a resource guide for women throughout South Africa, The Precious Little Black Book, and has produced the Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative South Africa.

By: Ellouise Muller

Friday, August 30, 2019


Neighbourhood safety team officers have recovered six firearms while patrolling Delft on Thursday  Three suspects were taken into custody.Two Uzi firearms were among the confiscated guns.Delft had seen scores of deadly shootings in recent weeks.Meanwhile, police are trying to link several shootings in Delft.A teenager was arrested for allegedly shooting and wounding three men on Wednesday.Two men were killed in separate attacks on the same day.

Naledi lefatsa

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Albert Fritz, Western Cape Community Safety MEC fears that the South African Police Service (SAPS) ammunition shortage, which impacts on officers' ability to complete their firearm proficiency tests and will severely impact crime prevention.

Fritz said that he's written to acting provincial commissioner Sindile Mfazi about the problem. The police established it had a shortage of ammunition because a supplier could not keep up with demand. Community Safety MEC Albert Fritz was demanding answers. Cayla Murray, his spokesperson: "It should be noted that these relative successes are undermined by training and resource constraints within the SAPS." 
Police union Popcru has also voiced its concern. Richard Mamabolo spokesperson: "If you look at the automobiles, if you look at the uniforms, if you look at the manpower, all those have had a negative influence on policing."

Fritz said the ammunition shortage would put more pressure on the police service. Noting that the SAPS are reportedly experiencing an ammunition shortage, which impacts on officers' ability to complete their firearm proficiency tests, Community Safety MEC Albert Fritz has written to acting provincial police commissioner General Sindile Mfazi seeking clarity on the shortages. 

National police spokesperson Vishnu Naidoo earlier confirmed that the SAPS was experiencing a shortage of ammunition due to a manufacturer’s inability to supply the police service.  Contingency measures had been put in place to ensure that service delivery was not compromised until the SAPS received their required ammunition, he said.

By: Ellouise Muller

For the first time corruption in the police sector has overtaken ithers, The Analysis of Corruption Trends report for 2019 revealed.

For the first time corruption in the police sector has overtaken ithers, The Analysis of Corruption Trends report for 2019 revealed.
David Lewis the executive director for Corruption Watch, said the increase in corruption reports in the sectors were most likely the result of its focused campaigns in the area that were intended to bring to to light and address specific systemic corruption challenges. He added the leading forms of corruption were abuse of power and bribery and the impact of the patronage within SAPS frequently protects those engage in corrupt activities.

1591 whistle-blowers exposed corruption in different sectors across the court, according to the organisation. The work of Corruption Watch has focused on the police and health sectors over the past year. David Bruce researcher from the Institute of Security Studies said South Africa needs more than ‘quick fixes’ to stem corruption and impunity.

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Striking school bus drivers leave 7 000 pupils stranded in Western Cape

More than 7 000 pupils in the Western Cape were stranded yesterday after their transportation services came to a standstill. Service providers for pupils downed tools because of complaints over agreement negotiations with the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). The pupils were unable to attend school because numerous parents had not been warned about the strike.

Chaleen Arendse officer, for Women on Farms Project programme said pupils across the Cape Winelands had been left waiting for transport that never arrived. Arendse said, nobody was informed, and parents who were able to organize transport to school did not do so. “Numerous parents alternative transport could cost anything from R400 per month, which some could not manage to pay. An additional worrying tendency was the condition of the transport’’, said she.

Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa’s, Dawid Kamfer said that he had been flooded with calls from anxious parents, as far as ­Riversdal in the Southern Cape. ‘’Drivers were striking over disagreements over contracts and a tender being advertised by the WCED’’ said he.

Bronagh Hammond, WCED spokesperson said the department was informed late on Monday that the South African Small Bus Operators Council (Sansboc) would suspend all pupil transport services under its council. “We have yet to collate statistics from all circuits across the Western Cape. In Metro East, Metro North and West Coast District, pupils from 40 schools were affected, with nonattendance levels of more than 7000 pupils. “Pupils as young as five were left stranded on dark and unsafe roads this morning and, the WCED had yet to obtain statistics from schools across the Cape Winelands, therefore the number of absent pupils could be higher’’ said Hammond.

She said Sansboc’s main complaint related to the WCED’s advertising short-term contracts. Hammond said the WCED wrote to Sansboc’s lawyers to explain the details for the short-term pupil transport contracts, and that five-year contracts had been advertised until the end of October, leaving potential service providers plenty time to prepare bids.

Pravin Singh, Sansboc spokesperson said the strike was a last resort to bring the WCED to the negotiating table. “This was the only way for us to get them to the table in order to explain how their five-year and would be detrimental to operators. “Despite the WCED not approving to withdraw the tender, we have decided not to let pupils suffer tomorrow,” said Singh.

By: Ellouise Muller 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019



Usaid Petersen, a 16 year old boy was attending a mass Boeka on a Ramadan evening in Hanover Park terminus, after which he was cornered and stabbed by some young boys. He was then hospitalized, became comatose and succumb to his injuries after just days in the hospital. The family started a campaign called #JusticeForUsaid to bring awareness and justice for all those who have lost children and will lose children by the hand of another, in this awful crime ridden generation our children are forced to endure.

Done By
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Total Shutdown protest delayed due to pending summit with minister

Another total shutdown protest was going to take place this Thursday 29th August, this time predominantly in the southern suburbs. The leader and national spokesperson of civic organization Gatvol Capetonian, Fadiel Adams, said this has been delayed due to the meeting with Litha Jolobe National Deputy Minister of Human Settlements and delegations from the national departments of Co-operative Governance and Public Works at the Castle this Thursday.

Litha Jolobe agreed to have a backyarder summit as soon as possible to move this critical issue on the Cape Flats onto the national agenda, after the August 8 total shutdown protest across Cape Town communities. The total shutdown movement highlights the mass of people living in backyards, pleading for access to land and housing.

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula says deployment of SANDF to Cape Town communities was a success

The deployment of the defence force to crime-stricken Cape town communities was a success, Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. Responding to questions in the National Council of Provinces yesterday with other ministers. Soldiers were eventually sent in to help law enforcement bodies tackle gangs, after years of promises. She says the challenge facing violent Cape Town goes deeper than just effective policing and has everything to do with social-economic conditions of the people of Western Cape. Mapisa Nqakula added that the army was never designed toaddress internal crime issues but when the state’s control was being undermined, SANDF was mandated by law to support police.

Done be
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Ammunition a threat to police safety

Ammunition shortage in the SAPS stores has meant that the police officers are unable to finish their firearm- proficiency tests. Several police officers said they are not carrying their service weapons because they have not completed their annual firearm-proficiency tests. It is for this reason that they did not get their permits to use their service firearms.

National police spokesperson Vishnu Naidoo confirmed that there is a shortage of ammunition in the SAPS due to a manufacture’s inability to supply the police service. He also added that there are plans in place to ensure that service delivery was not compromised.

Police minister Bheki Cele was responding to parliamentary questions ealier this month when he said SAPS lost more than 9.5 million rounds of ammunition over the past six financial years and 4537 firearms were stolen.

Edited by
Naledi Lefatsa

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ivan Meyer wants to lure more pupils into the agriculture sector

Agriculture MEC  in cape Town Ivan Meyer has a plan to make the subject more alluring to pupils. The plan which he unveiled at the AgriSA Water Symposiumin Somerset West on Monday, involves more agricultural subjects in schools and more diploma courses for existing colleges.
According to Meyer, the western cape is the home to the 6 000 commercial farmers and 7000 small-scale farmers, which is why it needs more agricultural schools. He also recognized AgriSA’s input into the curriculum of a new diploma in agriculture that his department wanted to introduce into the education system.
The Human settlements, water and sanitation minister Lindiwe Sisulu was unable to attend the conference, but was represented by water and sanitation director-general Anil singh.

Edited by
Naledi lefatsa

Seven killed in seperate incidents in Cape Town

Three incidents where people were shot and killed this morning has tasked the Western Cape SAPS management team of organized crime detectives to investigate this matter.

Three males were found lying in the street with bullet wounds to their heads in Siqalo informal settlement in Philippi. In another incident 1 female and 1 male were found shot dead in a house in Delft and in Nyanga, Samora Machel two bodies of unknown women lying next to the road were discovered by people on their way to work at 5am this morning. The team of investigators are probing whether the incidents are linked.

Anyone with information about any of these incidents please contact Lieutenant-Colonel Eddie Clarke on 082 469 1531

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi
News Editor

Peace march, leads Cape Town residents to Parliament

Peace march, leads Cape Town residents to Parliament

This morning, a small group of residents from Manenberg, Park wood, Lavender Hill and Mitchells Plain came together for a peace march ending at Parliament. The group was expected to hand over a memorandum of demands at the national legislature calling for an end to gang violence, abuse against women and children amongst other crimes.

Triple murder leaves Kalbaskraal community in shock, mourning

Malmesbury residents got shock of their life time when armed robberies killed two shopkeepers and a bystander, in a memorial service at the ShaZah supermarket shop owner Moerat Tajoodien said they were all shocked at what happened in Kalbaskraal. A devastating incident came as unexpected tragedy, owner of the property also added they had experienced couple of robberies but no one was killed during those incidents. By the time of report, Tajoodien said they operated for 10 years in that area. And they are getting in contact with the families of the deceased in Bangladesh and will assist in transporting their bodies back home.

The three deceased males aged 30, 34 and 39 were shot dead then other two males aged 28 and 31 shot and injured, confirmed Police spokesperson FC Van Wyk that cases of murder and attempted murder had been opened for investigation. The injured people were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Albert Fritz for Community Safety, wished for a speedy recovery to those two were injured and deepest sympathies to the families of the three killed during the robbery.

Edited by intern:
Mandlenkosi Mde

Saddened by the news of veteran journalist Ben Said's death.

As young, aspiring journalist we are saddened with the news of the death of Ben Said. It’s a shock for all of us as he was the Director of news for the channel eNCA and many of us calling him a veteran journalist. We really lost a great role model. We at Bush Radio news department would like to send our condolences to his family and friends in this hard time they facing.

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi
News Editor

Monday, August 26, 2019

The man accused of murdering and dismembering the Bellville woman made a first court appearance

A man accused of murdering and dismembering the 32 year old woman from Bellville made the first appearance in the Bellville magistrate court on Monday.

Kyle Ruiters, 24, lived in the same block as the victim Liynett Volschenk, 32. The prosecutor Lulama Qunta told the court that Ruiters would be kept in police custody until his next appearance on Monday[September 2]. His lawyer, Edward Mccullum said he had no objections to the postponement.

Some members of the newly formed facebook group “SA Women Fight  Back”held up placards outside, after handing a petition to the court that asked for Ruiters not to be granted bail. The group has obtained 9 100 signatures since the petition went live three days ago. One of the members, Natalie carter said they attended to show solidarity and to call for the justice system to be changed because it was failing the ordinary citizens.

Edited by
Naledi Lefatsa

Welcome to bush radio community information network and these are your upcoming events

Groote Post March Country Market

Last Sunday of every month
Venue: Groote Post, Darlings, Hill St, Darling
Time: 10am to 3pm
Cost: Free
Tel: 022 451 2202
First Thursdays
First Thursday of the month
Venue: Various art galleries around Cape Town city centre
Time: 5pm – 9pm
Cost: Free

Phoenix Women – Power Through Pain
31 to 31 August 2019
Venue: CCA Celebrities, 17 Nobel Park, Old Paarl Rd, Bellville, Cape Town
Time: 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Cost: R200
The Chocolate Festival

31 August 2019 to 1 September 2019

Venue: The Woodmill, Vredenburg Rd, Devonvallei, Stellenbosch
Time: 11am
cost: 50R to
Tel: 071 461 6692
Facebook: @dnaevents The Chocolate Festival
Instagram: @dnaeventsfestivals
If you would like us to broadcast your events please contact us on

By: Ellouise Muller

City of Cape Town facing lawsuit for fining homeless people

The ideal of fining homeless people is now turning against those who implemented it without proper consideration, the City of Cape Town is facing lawsuit brought by seven homeless people. Cities by law caused an outcry After the matter initially hit the headlines, a humanitarian organisation whose core purpose is to help improve poverty, the Community Chest, held debates with key participants including the SA Human Rights Commission  and numerous NGOs, chief executives of homeless shelters, and other figureheads fighting the root of street persons to try to find solutions.

Commercial lawyer, Lucien Lewin also participated to act on behalf of corporates and individuals and outlined this as a serious human rights to be dealt with as to create social justice. According IOL, He brought lawsuit “to give voiceless people a voice” and that is why he use his skills to support demoted and oppressed fellows of society.
Seven plaintiffs namely: Carin Gelderbloem, Emily Smith, Vuyo Mbozi, Beulah Meyer, Natasha Persent, Xolani Siboxo and Patricia Geyser were pronounced as vagrant in Cape Town CBD. Majority of political parties condemned the city’s actions as cruel and inhumane. This lawsuit is intensely supported provincial government individuals and legislatures. The applicants tell their stories in their court bid. 

Gelderbloem, “was born into a professional, middle-class family in Athlone before being moved to Mitchells Plain, where her mother was a teacher in the 1980s. Her father was a chef. She matriculated at Spine Road High School, and then trained” and worked as a hairdresser before getting married in 2006”. Unfortunate situations, plus the death of her partner after two years of marital, saw her forced to live on the roads.

Edited by Intern:
Mandlenkosi Mde                

Senior certificate candidates who failed June 2019 examination allowed to write the November 2019 examinations

Senior certificate candidates who failed June 2019 examination allowed to write the November 2019 examinations

The Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga approved June 2019 Senior Certificate candidates to re-write in November. On the 19 August 2019 till 4 September at 4pm, manual registration will be opened at circuit, district or provincial offices. From 4 September 2019 at 8am online registration will be available and will be closing at midnight on 11 September 2019.
Candidates are not allowed to write 2019 Senior Certificate exams in November if they have passes but are not satisfied with their mark but they allowed to register for the 2020 mid-year exams if they want to upgrade their marks.

The valid reasons for being absent from the June 2019 exams are:
·        You had a death in the immediate family and you’re able to show a death certificate as evidence.
·        You were ill and you are able to show a medical certificate as evidence.
·        For any other reason or circumstances beyond the control of the candidate an affidavit must be shown.
·        Candidates who did not turn u[ to write without a valid reason, do not qualify to write the November examinations.

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi
News Editor

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Women’s Legal Centre celebrates its 20th anniversary

The 20th anniversary of the Women’s Legal Centre was celebrated with a feminist symposium at the District 6 Museum.
On Thursday the event was held, there were panel conversations about topics such as abortion female sexual reproduction, challenges for economic independence, and women at the forefront of spatial injustice and tenure security.

The women’s rights manager at NGO ActionAid, Lindelwe Nxumalo, spoke passionately about women mainly being seen as care workers in homes and societies, which restricted their access to opportunities to liberate themselves economically and be in the workforce. The Community Workers Advice Office, Meme Makhaula, said: “The difficulty of facing with cases of women being sexually exploited is that these ladies are often defenceless and don’t want to speak about the sexual abuse they face.”

A representative from Sisonke, Philisiwe Tamari, a support of the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Task Force (Sweat), mentioned it was often problematic for sex workers to access basic rights.

“The sex workers in our country are being killed, raped and tortured, and yet nobody seems to do anything about it because what they do is seen as unholy. “At Sweat, we want to decrease the discrimination sex workers face in their communities. That’s why we have created our own community through the Sisonke group.”

By: Ellouise Muller

Sans Souci teacher in slap video cleared of charge

The National Prosecuting Authority has dropped the common assault charge, against the Sans Souci Girls’ High Grade 9 teacher, Clarissa Venter, who slapped a pupil during a classroom altercation. The incident caused havoc as people on social media went berserk after a fellow pupil in the same class took a video and posted it on social media. The video showed Venter pushing and smacking the student.

The Prosecutors announced the decision to drop the charges at the Wynberg Magistrate Court. Venters lawyer William Booth said “the chief prosecutor withdrew the common assault charge on the merits. That means they have dropped charges based on the evidence and what led to the incident”. The court ruled that the teacher was provoked and attacked and acted lawfully Clarissa Venter said the student refused to leave class and she kept on using her phone. The prosecutor says “they took into account that Miss Venter has been through a significant amount of stress and trauma with court appearances and social media and media exposure. She also had to go through a disciplinary hearing before she could return to teaching”.

By Chuma Matiwane

R5m Grand Parade upgrade to revamp tourism, boost safety

City of Cape Town's R5million Grand Parade upgrading sets to renovate tourism in the CBD.

On Friday, Mayor Dan Plato spoke about more than R5 million upgrading of the Grand Parade kiosks in the Cape Town central business area being undertaken by the City of Cape Town will guarantee the iconic public space becomes a hive of activity for Capetonians and visitors to the city. This week, Plato, accompanied by the City’s mayoral committee members, visited the recently revamped Grand Parade kiosks as part of the mayoral committee’s oversight role.

Dan Plato said, the upgrade has also permitted for extra safety, as there is now a devoted area for law enforcement agencies to have a permanent and significant presence at the Grand Parade. During his engagement with the traders, they received much positive feedback about the improved public space and their trading spaces. Although not fully complete, with the upgrade of the remaining purification services still on-going, Plato and his team had the opportunity to visit the newly constructed first floor CCTV operations room and law enforcement command center, which will facilitate direct district policing and enhanced visible security in the space. 

The mayoral committee member for economic opportunities and asset management, James Vos said. The City has supplied a fantastic upgrade to the trader area which establishes the keystone of the Tourism Triangle revelation. He would like to thank all of persons involved in turning this project into reality, and more particularly thanking the Grand Parade kiosk traders for their endurance and assistance during the renovation period.

By: Ellouise Muller

Friday, August 23, 2019

Missing woman reunited with mom after not arriving at Cape Town airport

The 27-year-old, Djamena Manjenje, who has been missing since Monday, has been reunited with her mother.

Manjenje, who is initially from Luanda and relocated to Cape Town in December 2016, left her Salt River house on Monday to fetch her mother at Cape Town International Airport but never arrived. The 27-year-old lives at the Double Tree Hotel and left the location at 2.13pm on Monday to fetch her mother. She did not reach the airport.  NGO Pink Ladies Woodstock police and then issued a missing persons alert. On Friday the Pink Ladies said: "Djamena Manjenje arrived safely back at her apartment last night. Police officials were meeting with her and her mother this morning." Police said that the conditions of her disappearance were under investigation." 

Vuyolwethu Bara, a 24-year-old, from Gugulethu, who has been missing since July 6 after having visited the rehabilitation centre in Stikland, was also found "alive, safe and unharmed " on Thursday, the Pink Ladies said. 

In the meantime, Simone Muller, a 28-year-old Delft woman, who has been missing since July 27, has still not been found. She was previously seen leaving her residence in Voorbrug in the morning. Mfuleni police are also looking for the support of the public in tracing Verdi van Rooyen, 31, who was last seen at about 9am on Sunday.

Verdi was at home with his wife when he decided to go to the nearby shopping mall in Kuils River to buy meat but never returned.

By: Ellouise Muller

Do you have the best koesisters? Join the search ahead of World Koesister Day

The first ‘Koeksister Day’ will be announced by Cape Malay cookbook author Cariema Isaacs prepares ‘koesisters’ at a ‘koek off’ at Radisson RED.

Cape Town foodies will be licking their lips in anticipation of the first-ever Malay World “Koesister Day” (they differ from traditional koeksisters) competition following Sunday, emphasising the importance of food and community in a method that is proudly Capetonian. This kicks off Heritage Month, celebrates the tradition of “koesisters” and will see the “kwaiest koesister” walk away with an outstanding prize to the worth R12000.

Co-founder of Vannie Kaap Marc Jacobs announced the introductory World Koesister Day by the latest “koek off” between Chef Naseer Abdullah and renowned Cape Malay cookbook author Cariema Isaacs. The Cape Malay “koesisters” will be judged by judges such as the co-owner of Vannie Kaap Marc Jacobs, RED’s kitchen lead, and chef Naseer, who has also vowed to buy fresh “koesisters” from the winner to serve at the hotel every Sunday between 10am and noon.

The Radisson RED Hotel V&A Waterfront with local brand Vannie Kaap, will be hosting the event. In Heritage Month the hotel will also present the Cape Town Corner: a speciality menu of five Cape Malay-inspired dishes.

By: Ellouise Muller

Plan to occupy Cape Town Station over 'basic security infrastructure' on trains

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) offices in Cape Town in April were previously occupied by the civil society group, Unite Behind. They demand an efficient and safe commuter rail service. On Friday from 2pm the afternoon, the #UniteBehind alliance movement will occupy Cape Town station for a non-violent protest to demand commuter safety on Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) trains.

Mathew Hirsch, the spokesperson for #UniteBehind, said commuters confronted dangerous journeys everyday just to get to work and school on time. Hirsch said, the most affected are females, who get sexually harassed, as well as pupils, who occasionally get pushed out of trains due to overcrowding. “That just this week there has remained delays of more than two hours across the province due to infrastructure difficulties in Cape Town”, he said. Hirsch also mentioned that, they demand qualified and properly trained security guards on trains and at the train stations, operating on legitimate contracts. They need basic security infrastructure. “There needed to be security in the trains and at every station”, he said.

There need to be accessible reporting mechanisms for commuters who are victims of crime. They reiterate our demands that commuter rail be declared a national disaster. This would allow the government to unlock funds and resources to focus on safety on trains.

They continue our call for a commuter-centred safety plan.

By: Ellouise Muller

Thursday, August 22, 2019

FlySafair passengers traumatized by emergency landing

There has been an investigation in the allegations that FlySafair was insensitive to traumatised passengers following an emergency landing minutes after take-off. The emergency landing came after passenger’s smelled smoke and fumes and that’s when the panic ensued. A spokesperson from the company said “the plane made an emergency landing because of cabin pressurisation system and not because there was smoke”. Immediately after the crew heard about the issue they made a U-turn back to the Cape Town International airport in what is known in aviation terms as a Rapid Descent.
Apparently the tried taking the plane down 10 000 feet above sea level where pressurization is not a concern. An English tourist Luke Davies said “everything happened so fast and there was panic as some people thought they were going to die, but luckily the crew was professional and informed them of a possible crash landing”.

After the plane had successfully landed some people wanted to continue with their journey to Durban so a spare plane was provided for them. The passengers who were still anxious about the incident were expecting the Airline Company to provide them with hotel rooms but the airline refused saying that is not in their policy. Kirby Gordon FlySafair distribution head said “they offered refunds to those no longer wishing to fly and free changes to those who still wanted to fly (on any of our flights that they wanted to use).The airline has also made counsellors available to any customers seeking to speak to someone professional regarding their experience”.

By Chuma Matiwane


Effectiveness of anti-domestic violence law comes under scrutiny

Enquiries are being asked about the effectiveness of anti-domestic violence law 20 years after its enactment. Exactly how effective has the present 20-year-old Domestic Violence Act (DVA) been in relations of providing justice to victims?

This is the enquiry under debate at an inter-sectoral dialogue presented by UCT’s Gender, Health and Justice Research Unit, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Wits City Institute and the Department of Community Safety in the Western Cape. John Jeffery Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development stated that at the time after the DVA, nowadays under evaluation, was implemented, it was considered an extremely advanced part of legislation that strongly attentive on victims. Jeffery said secondary victimisation originating from certain systematic dysfunctionalities also contributed to the early departure of victims from the system that results in a blocked system of incomplete applications for temporary protection orders. 

This remained a serious challenge that would be considered when reviewing the DVA. Jeffery said the process of reviewing the DVA 20 years after it was formed had begun. People who experienced domestic violence could also go to a magistrate’s court or to the police station, however once reporting an incident but there was still a tendency for police to mention victims of domestic violence to the court instead since they might not consider it as a high risk situation.

The investigation will be led by the South African Law Reform Commission, working with specialists in the domestic violence sector. The investigation is expected to launch next month.

By: Ellouise Muller

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Pupil suspended after Stellenbosch school stabbing incident

In Stellenbosch at Cloetesville High School pupil has been suspended when he allegedly stabbed a fellow scholar at the school yesterday. An investigation has started into the conditions leading to the attack that occurred throughout a change of lessons. Although police spokesperson FC Van Wyk stated that there was no record of the incident being reported, ER24 spokesman Russel Meiring said paramedics found the 16-year-old scholar with a stab wound to his back and face.

The scholar was treated at the scene before being taken to a regional hospital.
The scholar was allegedly in a stable condition, according to Western Cape Education Department (WCED) MEC Debbie Shaffer’s spokeswoman, Jessica Shelver. “The WCED plays an imperative role in addressing the behaviour of our students in youth development. 

In July, the Department of Community Safety announced the deployment of 50 additional school resource officers to various schools to combat gangsterism, illegal possession of firearms, and high volumes of drug-related cases, following 18 stabbing incidents since the beginning of the school year. The purpose of the school resource officers was to safeguard pupils returning to school after the winter school holidays.

By: Ellouise Muller

Three Cape cops arrested for corruption, theft

SAPS spokesperson Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana said on Wednesday “the three official police were from the Cape Town Central police station and they stand accused of corruption, theft and defeating the administration of justice”. The three cops aged 38, 34 and 41 are to appear in the Cape Town Magistrate court.

It’s alleged that the three officials searched the complaints vehicle in Loop Street Cape Town and they found phones. The complaint says they arrested him for possession of stolen goods and for him to receive the supposedly stolen goods back, he needed to pay R20 000 cash. The victim said they also gave him a number to call once he has got the money. Sergeant Rwexana said “also said “The complainant managed to get R5000 and a meeting was arranged with the members. The complainant and his friend were taken to Cape Town Central and later they were allowed to go without being arrested."

The acting Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Sindile Mfazi said “there is no place for corrupt members in the SAPS”.

By Chuma Matiwane

Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...