Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CDP says whistle-blowers are heroes

Athenkosi Mvane
13 February 2013

The Christian Democratic Party said that whistle-blowers who drew attention to the fact that schools have not yet been supplied with all the correct handbooks are not traitors, as the Education Department claims, but are in fact heroes.

CDP Leader Reverend Theunis Botha said that it is those who are attempting to cover up problems who are the traitors.

Botha said that matters are complex enough with regards to service delivery problems, corruption, labour issues, farm murders, rape crisis, poor education, unemployment and many others.

“The country can well do without cover ups and the president being ill-informed on critical issues” Botha said.

Botha added that they value those parents and other role players who are brave enough to insist in exposing wrongdoing.

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