Correctional Services to review life-sentenced offenders parole applications

Imogen Vollenhoven
6 February 2013

Corresctional services Minister Sibusisio Ndebele is currently considering the parole applications of 348 inmates sentenced to life imprisionmet.

Chief deputy comissioner James Smallburger said the parol applications for lifers are the first considered by a case management committee and there after the correctional supervision parol boared.

Smallburger said according to the courts ruling, all those serving life imprisonment who have served 13 years and 8 months of their sentece are eligible for parole.

“This is the right of offenders to be considered, they are all human beings irrespective the sentences that they have” Smallburger said.

The Ministry is busy with the considerations of the first batch of submitted parole applications from the beginning and midlle of 2012.


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