Thursday, October 31, 2013

DENOSA to march over salary increase

Loyiso Langeni
31 October 2013

The Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa will today be picketing outside the St Mary’s Hospital in Durban in protest over non-payment of this year’s salary increase. 

Denosa Provincial Secretary Cassim Lekhoathi said they will also be demanding a forensic audit report at the hospital.

Denosa is also calling on government to rescue and take over the hospital as management have not been able to do so.

Lekhoathi added that St Mary’s Hospital is a state aided hospital together with the department of KwaZulu-Natal is funding the hospital for the salaries and the running of the hospital.

“We are disappointed to have learnt that they do not have money to pay their salary increases for the nurses and general workers in total,” Lekhoathi said.

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