Monday, February 01, 2010

Twenty two arrested during weekend operations across the city

By Ofentse Mokae
01 February 2010

Members of the Cape Town Metro Police were up in arms this past weekend when twenty two suspects were arrested during various operations in the City.

These arrests range from driving under the influence of alcohol, armed robbery, possession of narcotics to the contravention of the City’s Public Nuisance By-law.

On Friday evening, at two drunken driving roadblocks, one in Lansdowne road and the other one in Bonteheuwel, eight motorists were respectively arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Deputy Chief Yolanda Faro says another one was arrested during one of the Metro Police’s routine patrols in Muizenberg.

On the same evening, joint operations between the Metro Police and the South African Police Services resulted in seven suspects being arrested for Possession of Tik in Elsies River and Atlantis.

“Our members will be conducting regular operations and we are serious in our endeavours towards combating drunken driving and crime in our communities, said Deputy Chief Yolanda Faro.

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