Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunday rapist sentenced to five life sentences

Mluleki Mrwebi
19 September 2012

The so-called Sunday Rapist Jaco Steyn has been sentenced to five life terms in prison.

Steyn was found guilty on 33 charges in the South Gauteng High Court sitting in Alberton including the murder of 16-year-old Louise de Waal.

The Commission for Gender Equality the judgement handed against Johannes Steyn will send a strong message that the Sexual Offence Act and other related matters are being taken seriously by the criminal justice system.

CGE`s Javu Baloyi said that they are concerned by the mitigating factors presented by Steyn’s counsel who seeks to paint the perpetrator as not a violent person.

Baloyi added that they have been monitoring the case since it started to ensure that both the victims and the perpetrators are well treated.

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