commission for gender equality probes slow pace of gender transformation

Imogen Vollenhoven
8February 2013

The commission for gender equality convened a follow up, supplementary employment equity hearing with two municipalities which had failed to appear before the Commission on the 31st of October 2012 in Mpumalanga.

Javu Baloyi from the commission for gender equality said the commission  was compelled to subpoena the municipal managers of the Mbombela and Msukaligwa local municipalities to appear before it and account for the slow pace of gender transformation.

Baloyi said unfortunately the contravening of the subpoena and the commission is taking the matter to the equality court, whereby also the criminal charges will be laid against the municipal manger of the Msukaligwa municipality.

Baloyi adds that they are a bit uncertain with the progress made by Mmobela and the commission will now endeavour to ensure that gender transformation will take place.


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