Monday, February 18, 2013

NWest Premier Modise pleads with politicians, traditional leaders, religious leaders to join anit-rape fight

Imogen Vollenhoven
18February 2013

North West Premier Thandi Modise has called on traditional leaders, politicians across the political spectrum, pastors, celebrities and sports men to stand up to be counted in order to give the anti-rape campaign impetus.
Premier Modise made the plea in condemning the gang rape of a 33 year old hitch hiker by six men.
Spokesperson for the premier  Lesiba Kgwele said rape has reached alarming and unacceptable levels and calls for united action therefore real men need to stand up to be counted against sexual violence which cuts across race, gender and class.

Kgwele adds that the Premier appeals to members of the community who could have witnessed the incident or saw those responsible for the ghastly act to come forward with information that might assist police in their investigations.

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