Monday, November 06, 2006

Matrics bought fake exam paper

By Tando Mfengwana
06 November 2006

Ten Cape Town Matric students paid R4 000 for what they believed to be this year’s physical science exam paper.

The students are said to have negotiated with a man previously unknown to them, and sent the money to the Johannesburg man, who was said to possess this year’s science paper.

The man then faxed the matriculants the phoney paper.

When the group went in to write their exam on Monday morning, they were shocked to see a different paper from the one they purchased.

The exam paper looks like the real one with a barcode at the bottom and DoE Oct/Nov 2006 printed on the corner, according to the Weekend Argus.

There were a few similar questions on the paper but most of the answers were different to the genuine paper.

The Western Cape Education department’s deputy director of education and planning, Brian Schredeur, said he has not come across any other similar situations.

The report said the National Education Department deputy director general of further education and training, Penny Vinjevold, said improved security measures have made it difficult to obtain exam papers before exams.

She said over the last three years and this year there had not been any leaks.

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