Monday, December 22, 2014

A man died in Witkoppen road accident

Loyiso Langeni

22 December 2014

A man died and another injured after two vehicles collided head on with each other on Witkoppen Road in Bloubosrand.

 ER24 Spokesperson Werner Vermaak said it is understood that one of the vehicles veered into oncoming traffic, which resulted in the head on collision.

 When they arrived on the scene they found a man believed to be in late fifties trapped under the steering wheel of his vehicle. Local fire department had to use Local fire department had to use hydraulic rescue equipment to free the body from the wreckage.

 A man in the Jeep was found with moderate injuries. He was treated on the scene and later transported to a nearby hospital for further medical care

Exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation

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