Sunday, December 21, 2014

Two separate accidents leave two dead and multiple injured

Loyiso Langeni
21 December 2014

An accident last night left one person dead and eight injured on the N12 near the R500 in Fockville.

It is alleged that a VW Kombi overturned several times.

ER24 Spokesperson Werner Vermaak said paramedics arrived on scene and found the people scatterd across the incident. Two of them were in a critical condition and had to be airlifted form the site.

Vermaak said after stabilisation ER24’s AER24 and AER24 North West Helicopters airlifted them to Chris Hani Baragwanath and Milpark Hospitals respectively.

In a separate accident a man died after his bike crashed head on with a light motor vehicle in Helshoogte, Stellenbosch in the Boland.

R24 Spokesperson Werner Vermaak said when paramedics arrived on the scene they found severe damage to the front of the motor vehicle with the motorbike lying several meters away from it.

Vermaak added that the rider was found with fatal injuries. Unfortunately there was nothing that paramedics could do for him and he was declared dead on scene.

Exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation.

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