Sunday, December 28, 2014

DA calls on quicker blood alcohol processing

Oscar Thomas
28 December 2014

DA call on Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, to take emergency measures to speed-up the processing of blood alcohol samples so that drunk driving offenders can be efficiently prosecuted and justice served.

The DA said it is shocked to receive the most recent figures from the Pretoria and Johannesburg Health Department's forensic chemical laboratories.

 DA Shadow Minister of Health Dr Wilmot James said this is extraordinary, given that all of the FCL labs had increased staffing to speed up the processing of samples, which only the Cape Town lab managed to do.

James said something is therefore very wrong in Johannesburg and Pretoria.

James said to run a proper lab at maximum efficiency requires brains, technology and systems.

James said Minister Motsoaledi, who has till now remained silent on this issue, must take the necessary actions to help solve the problem.

“Only he has the power and the budget to fix the labs and he must do so now James added.

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