Thursday, December 11, 2014

Western Cape government working to curb road deaths

Oscar Thomas
11 December 2014

The Western Cape Department of Transport says it wants to prevent road deaths especially over the festive season. 

This as MEC of Transport Donald Grant launched the festive season traffic operational plan for 2014/2014.

MEC Grant said there will be more round-the-clock enforcement operations over the festive season, and the average Speed over distance camera enforcement system is now made to cover larger part of the N1 from Laingsburg to Touwsrivier.

Grant said if one looks at the year as a whole we had 1216 fatalities last year and a big focus this year is going to be on pedestrians.

Grant said we asking drivers to be aware of pedestrians because so far this year our total fatalities of them 44% are pedestrians.

Grant said we’ll be focusing on alcohol, excessive speed, speed over distance, driver fatigue and vehicle fitness.

“The biggest one is seatbelt compliance, if we all buckle up it takes a second to save a life we are going to drastically reduce fatalities Grant added.

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