Monday, December 15, 2014

Two men arrested in Woodstock for posession of illegal fire-arm and ammunition

Oscar Thomas
15 December 2014

On Saturday the Woodstock Police arrested two men aged 21 and 18 years old on charges of illegal possession of firearms and ammunition inside a pub situated in Albert road Salt River.

Seargant Hilton Malila said a preliminary investigation led the police to an 18 year old man, who was also arrested on fire-arm related charges.

Malila said Police investigations later revealed ownership of the fire-arm and we are yet to confirm if the fire-arm were reported stolen.

Malila said the suspects, currently in police custody, will appear in the Cape Town’s magistrates court on charges related to illegal possession of a fire-arm and ammunition without a license.

“The Woodstock police want to thank the community for the positive information received and is encouraging the rest of the community to work hand in hand with the police in order to make our communities a safer place for everyone throughout the festive season Malila added. 

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