Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Nineteen police officers suspended in Limpopo

Loyiso Langeni
23 December 2014

Nineteen police officers have been suspended for corruption and defeating the ends of justice from three different police stations in Limpopo.

The officers were arrested on the 05th of this month and appeared in court where they were granted bail of between R1 000 to R10 000 each.

The police officers allegedly accepted bribes and escorting illicit cigarettes. They are expected to appear in court in February 2015.

Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said they have now been suspended without pay.

“We are also busy with our internal processes to make sure that we fast track them and also to ascertain the fact that as the police we have the zero tolerance when it comes to corrupt activities within SAPS.

We will do everything to make sure that these people have exited from the service.” Mulaudzi added.

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