Sunday, December 28, 2014

Samaritan killed by bakkie

Oscar Thomas
28 December 2014

A man in his 30’s was killed this evening after a bakkie rolled over him on a farm in Kameelfontein, North of Pretoria.

ER24 paramedics had to battle the muddy roads of the farm to reach the patient.

ER24 Spokesperson Werner Vermaak said once on scene, paramedics found a bakkie stuck in heavy mud in the middle of the dirt road.

Vermaak said on closer inspection, paramedics found the body of a male patient stuck in the mud beneath the bakkie. Unfortunately the man had already succumbed to his severe injuries.

Vermaak said it is believed that the man had stopped to assist in removing the bakkie from the mud. It is believe that, while pushing the bakkie, it began to roll back, trapping and crushing the man.

“Local authorities were on scene for further investigations Vermaak added.

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