Friday, December 04, 2015

DA SRC Pres forced Nzimande to apologise

Nontando Mafanya
04 December 2015

In yesterday’s meeting between leaders of University student councils and Minister Blade Nzimande, the DA president of the Fort Hare SRC forced Minister Nzimande to apologise for his “students must fall” comment.

Minister Nzimande has been widely criticised for proclaiming that students should fall at a time when students were desperately crying out for financial exclusion experienced by many South African Students.

DA Youth interim leader Yussuf Cassim explains.....
Minister Blade Nzimande  was forced to apologise for his comment saying that student must  fall by the DA SRC President at the University of Fort Hare Busisiwe Mashixa.”

He added that “This is significant as this stubborn Minister has refused to apologise for all of the crisis he has created across this country including his department for not asking for any adjustments budget as a way.”

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