Monday, December 14, 2015

South Africa is a Banana Republic

Simamkele Vakaza
14 December 2015

COPE remains baffled why the president removed minister Nene in the first place. Sunday evening came the announcement from the President that he had switched Van Rooyen to COGTA and Gordhan to finance. 

Such a thing happens only in Banana Republic, explains COPE Spokesperson Dennis Bloem.

“The Congress of the People are saying that, this president is making bad appointments one after each other”, said Spokesperson Dennis Bloem.

“We have seen that over the past four days, two ministers of finance”, explains Bloem.

“We don’t understand that, the president does not have advisers that he don’t listen to other people”, added Dennis Bloem.

 He added that, “We are saying to the president to do an honourable thing and resign, if he does not resign the people of the country must rise”.

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