Thursday, December 10, 2015

President Zuma removes Nhlanhla Nene

Chumani Simelela
10 December 2015
Economist Dawie Roodt says he is totally speechless, following President Jacob Zuma’s announcement of removing Nhlanhla Nene as Minister of Finance. In a statement Zuma says Nene had done well since his appointment to the position during a difficult economic climate. Nene has been replaced by David Van Rooyen. Roodt says Zuma chose the worst timing…

Dawie Roodt says …“Is difficult to say why the person did it, the strange thing is, on the beginning really consulted quiet broadly when he made decisions. But I get the impressions that the last time he thinks, only doing it on his own”.

“He did not consult anybody cabinet, his partner. He did not consult Luthuli House and nobody the new Minister of mineral affairs. It was a total stranger from outside from the Free State, bringing in from the outside”.  

“This time again it is somebody unknown coming in from the outside, normally as Mr Nene was 1st the deputy Minister. Then he became the Minister because he practises the position”.
 “So I get the impression he is being isolated as President, he does not want anybody to talk back to him, those that did he get rid of you know? Tokyo Sexwale is gone….Paul Mashatile is gone”

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