Friday, December 04, 2015

One man died and a woman sustained moderate injuries

Simamkele Vakaza
04 December 2015
One Man died and a woman sustained moderate injuries when the vehicle they were in, overturned on the N8 about 20Km outside Bloemfontein in the early hours of the morning. ER24 paramedics and Fire and Rescue Services arrived on scene and found the vehicle on its roof in a field near the road.

“A man found a few metres away from the vehicle was assessed. Sadly there was nothing that could be done for him. He had sustained multiple injuries and was declared dead”, said Chitra Bodasing.

“It is understood that a woman was found trapped between the bonnet and windscreen of the overturned vehicle”, added Bodasing.

“Fire and Rescue as well as towing services lifted the vehicle in order for paramedics to gain access to the patient. The woman was removed from under the wreckage and assessed”, said Bodasing.

She added that “It was found that she sustained moderate injuries. She was treated and transported to hospital for further medical care”.

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