Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Estimated 20 000 teenage pregnancies in Western Cape

By Tarryn Le Chat
01 November 2006

Recent research by the provincial education department officials shows that almost half of the 20 000 girls who left school before Grade 12 did so because they are pregnant.

The finding comes as a proposed four month maternity leave be granted to pregnant pupils.

A total of 1 098 teenagers under the age of 18 are registered for child support grant (CSG) in the province.

However, NGO’s and school principals say the figure provided by the SA Social Security Agency, is jus the tip of the iceberg.

Trix Marais, regional director of Child Welfare South Africa, said teen pregnancy was common in disadvantaged areas.

Marietta de Vos of Mosiac, a Cape Town organisation that works with pregnant teenagers, said the increase was largely the result of ‘irresponsible sexual behaviour’.

Isaac Kora, principal of Modderdam Secondary believes that teenage pregnancies were more common at disadvantaged schools.

MEC for Education, Cameron Dugmore, said he is supporting pregnant pupils and encouraging them to complete school.

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