Friday, November 03, 2006

Rich people good for the environment - Leon

By Tarryn Le Chat
03 November 2006

Tony Leon, leader of the Democratic Alliance, made a statement that rich people are good for the environment because they have fewer children and do not chop down trees for firewood.

Leon describes ‘rich people’ as having fewer children and being able to afford cleaners, efficient technologies and use resources more efficiently.

“They don’t chop down trees for firewood and kill wild animals for food and they have time and money to enjoy and protect nature”, Leon told the Oxford Union Society at Oxford University in England during a debate on climate change last night.

According to Leon, Africa has the poorest people in the world and it’s desperately important for them and the planet that they become rich.


Anonymous said...

If the ANC made this statement I wonder what they would have been called?

Anonymous said...

Leon is no better than PW Botha

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