Tuesday, July 31, 2007

South African teacher to lead global union

By Celeste Ganga
31 July 2007

General Secretary of the South African Democratic Teachers Union, Thulas Nxesi, was re-elected for a three-year term as President of Education International, at its 5th World Congress that was held in Berlin last week.

The theme of the congress was: “Teachers joining together for quality education and social justice.”

“The mandate from this congress is to return to member countries and to forge unity amongst teachers on the ground,” says Nxesi.

He adds that they will actively support the establishment and strengthening of independent free and representative teacher unions where they don’t exist.

“We committed ourselves to fight major social ills such as child labour, HIV and Aids, and discrimination in all its guises,” adds Nxesi

Education International has member organisations in 169 countries, representing 30 million teachers worldwide. It is the largest global union.

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